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Robinia | 17:48 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
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I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.


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Vinny Welcome back even if it is rubbish ;o)
oooh..ITS ME....!!
Huuurrraaaay. I'm off out now for a meal see you later!!
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hurray!!!!!! Vinny's a free man!
He's a free man and he's a number, how about that!
behind you!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>keeps case they change there minds hehe..!Im Free...Im... Free...!!now I know how patrick felt
THE PRISONER...UM..Hope that bromide wears off...Im fancy free...and feeling frisky...blooming robinia...haha....!!...
this should keep you going jno..till a week sunday...
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there goes Vinny again....looks like he's been celebrating.....
He's up to his old tricks again..I have just seen him buying a huge bag of sprouts and some Lions poo in Sainsburys.

My newspaper is still unironed and the butler seems to going through Bath Olivers at an alarming rate. I think I'll have to pension him off and get a new model.

Had a lovely afternoon with aunt on the broad with scones and jam and we fed the wild birds ...some lovely canada geese and lots of other water birds. I forgot my camera!

Lovely day here again ..have a lovely weekend everyone
Love from a very grumpy ..lozenge sucking Shaney xx

Morning all every one sounds fine today. Hope you are. Had a great night last night danced all night and saw a friend I hadn't seen since before Christmas. I was quite surprised, he remembered my name!! :o)
Going out for lunch today with my sister and her family, it's her birthday, then I'm out again tonight. My dancing friend is out with her boyfriend so I'm going with some other friends. Yep I really do have some!!
I'm really loving this weather. I hope it keeps up into August as that's when I go away.
Have a good day all of you and see you later no doubt. x
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morning all - got the sprouts on have we?

Was up bright (?) & early & have done a bit of tidying outside. I should probably say greetings from the Derbi Desert, everywhere is shrivelling up before my eyes....

is what now passes for a lawn. And what's that I see approaching? Oh heck looks like the bus company have been taken over again
mmmm, air conditioned

I was hoping to loll by my pool
this afternoon but the diy fanatics are out in force making an ear-popping din with their assorted gadgets....I don't remember barry Bucknell making all this racket.
Morning....Hot init..!!....Was thinking about Heading to woolacombe.,..but....!it will be to Hot there...there will be hoards of people there....,There will be no place to park there..,The bloody icecream will melt there...,I will probably fall down a big Hole ..dug by some nine year old trying to reach Australia...There,I will be charged Ten Thousand quid..for a deck chair there..,The sh*tehawks will be trying to nick me sprout sandwich there....My cold can of flavoured water...will be half full of sand...when the inevitable hoards of kids go flying past ...chasing there beach ball.....There...!!'s a Beach...and this old .
world...keeps turning round..
bu**er it..think are sit under me gazzebo..and contemplate me navel....!! not drinking that real ale again...makes you write funny things....hehe...(:-)
Afternoon all, everythings back to normal here. Dad's dinner, rice pud at my sister's. Had good night last night. Am out again tonight to a works do in aid of sports relief. 3 nights on the run - how do I stand the pace!! Going to sit in the sun now. Listening to Bryan Adams unplugged at the mo. getting in the mood for next Friday!

Vinny regarding Real Ale I think it's lovely after the first couple!!! :o)

Robinia I keep watering my grass but it still it doesn't look like a 'lawn.'
I have had a day at the cricket, thanks to a kind friend in High Places, so if you saw me on the telly, I'm the one asking 'So who's a silly mid-off, then?' Lovely sunny day and men in white on green grass under blue sky. Mmmmm...
Morning Bidds...tis a lovely one again...Hope you're all okay..Dont forget.keep out of the sun..☼..and stay in the shade...Well you cant be to carefull at your age.....He He...!! posted a pic of me when I was in the dungeon...Well Ive had me hair cut now and shaved....mentioning no names....robinia..!!!!!!...I see there's a calendar out now....about you ladie's..haha..!
YO (*_*)
Wake up you sleepy heads,tis time to get out of bed>whoosh>.
jno...did his middle wicket.. bowl a maiden over.
... "Doc, I've got a cricket ball stuck up my backside." "How's that?" "Don't you start." ...hahaha(:-)

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morning mopheads!

phew, tis hot already...yesterday was lovely as the air was fresh but it's stifling today & not even lunchtime.

sounds idyllic that jno, well it would have been without the cricket bit ! It's nothing like when I played it in the garden.....wallop the ball, preferably across as many gardens as possible... the one & only fielder had to go & beg the cross old biddy (!) to give it back & in the meantime you'd made 500 runs & were sitting on the doorstep with your dandelion & burdock & dairylea sarnie. Happy days....

Vincent! back to your cheeky mode I see! I'll have you know we are fine specimens......
hot or wot?
Blimey..!!!..When's the next train to derby...(:-)you been polishing them leaves robinia....lovely pic....(:-)

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