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Robinia | 17:48 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
559 Answers
I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.


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Morning all lovely day again. Last night's works do wasn't up to much but I did win a BMW mug for my son in a raffle, so I'm not complaining. Been to town today to buy some gear for my Tai Chi class tomorrow. (�10 the lot in a sale). Can't remember if I mentioned it but a friend at work asked me if I would be interested and I have always felt I would like to have a go. Any Biddies ever done it? Not doing much today - may just cut the grass later on and hosing of course! See you later! :o)
hmmm, the Met Office is predicting a 30% chance that Wednesday will be the hottest day ever.

Don't forget to wear a protective device
Hiya jude...tai that where they shout...AR**SO...!! I spose you need it up there in the Bronx...what with all those mad biddies fighting over birds last cream cake thingys...did you ever read that..chinese book. sh**e on the window ,by "who- flung-dung"hahaha(:-)right,im having a cold bath>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Hiya Vinny guess you've never done it then. Not quite sure but I think it's to do with positive and negative thoughts by movement and blocking. Will find out tomorrow!!
Hello Jno hope you are ok and it's not toooo hot for you. I find it ok but I do have to sit in the shade.
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Tai chi! Vinny it would take more than wafting yer arms about to get in front of me in the cake queue.....a tenth dan in judo at the very least....

nope Jude never done anything like that, it would be no good for me if you have to keep quiet....I don't do quiet :o)

yes jno I heard that too.....I'm worried the windows are going to melt!
(wasn't Marilyn the most beautiful woman ever?....well, I think so.....)
Hi all...grump grump
Very hot here and hotter tomorrow .I have done nothing but loll about in a slack fashion.
Marilyn Monroe of my all time favourites ..went to an exhibition on her at the South Bank a few years ago ..all photos ,paintings ,movie posters and some of her clothes etc.
Well I must away and suck a lozenge...take care all ..stay cool.xx
That's me done for the day. Cut the grass and watered the garden I really don't know what's come over me and all this gardening. (It's not the gardener because he's done all there is to do as far as the heavy work goes). Anyway see you all tomorrow after my Tai Chi class. I'll probably be boring you with that then!! :o) Goodnight Biddyfriends
Jude's the one on the right. aichi2003.JPG
I love the jackets!
Yes shaney,I love the purple one,and the red velvets out of this world>>>>>>>>>>>>whoosh>>>>>>>>>
btw....morning....said in a very low voice.....creeps off to work....they all look so harmless when there asleep....ahh....!!...(blimey,in a few hours,there be terrorising the site...hehe) (:-+
breakfast biddys
I hear glass on bus-stop shelters was exploding last night oop north in the heat... beware... but there's rain coming to the south west so that should dampen Vinny's ardour...
bikini babe
Hiya all Hope you are all ok today and aches and pains are gone. Shaney what a shame can't get into your link.
Just wondering where we might be going next. Somewhere with a pool and a bar (with goodlooking barmen) would be good.

See you later! :o)
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morning each....thanks for the brekky Vinny....erm, two fried eggs? whachoosayin? it's quality not quantitty....;o)

oh tis a bit much isn't it shaney when you're an achey biddy.....and don't you go doing yourself a mischief with all that bending and stretching Jude


well I've been up all night running us all up a nice cool outfit ....
please take your pick

sheik it Vinny
"Sheik rattle and roll"could do with wearing that today robinia....phew...that sun was scorching at 7:am...dont know about things exploding oop north jno,but down sarf..its ..Shriveling....HEHE..! to shoot off to work again...catch you later dudes>>>>>>>>>>>
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tis shrivelling fast here day lilies are now
nanosecond lilies

(sorry if I've already posted that pic....I'm losing the plot)
Well I've been and done it.
Apparently we're learning Cheng Man-Ch'ing Form. After the loosening up exercises we're learning Grasp the Sparrow's Tail. And that's my homework!! Seriously though I think I will take to it and am looking forward to my next session. There are a lot of very experienced people there but we got a lot of help from the teacher and her assistant.
Robinia I have a lily like that but it hasn't had anymore flowers on it. Will it come again next year.

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Glad you enjoyed it, I think you can start practising in Birds Jude......grasp the pony tail!

your lilies should come again next year & spread very well. I had to move mine & they're still coming up in the old places!
Thanks for that Robinia I'm determined to look after my garden from now on so I may be calling on you from time to time for some advice.

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