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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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Well done every one ..round of applause
Would you believe that took me about half an hour!!! :o) Heeee heeee!!!
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shaney, ever grateful

Jude paint should be on your computer - All programs > Accessories > Paint
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oh you found it - well done!!!
you can type text on paint too in a little box, I forgot about that, ages since I'd done anything on there.
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BING BONG - could all achey types come to the desk please....
have any of you tried those rub on/spray on pain killing remedies? not used anything like that since me mum rubbed algipan on me & I came out in a rash.

I've pulled sommink
right here, ouch - hehe

why am I b*ggerring about on here when I've things to do...
Thanks Robinia. I'm off out to lunch now up by the canal see you later....
Missed you last post I'll send round my Personal Masseur to sort you out....:o)
part 1
The doctor used to prescribe me Feldene can get it over the counter but it's quite expensive for a small tube.Traxam is another good one or the Iboprufen gel.None of them are anything like Algipan or Deep Heat..they cool rather than burn !! I'm not fond of those sprays though as if you spray it too near you get a freeze burn from them as I found out once !
I have given up on these things and stick with the good old Pferdesalbe from Germany .It's the best stuff I have ever used.
Part 2
My bones are nipping today's quite chilly here and raining on and off.I keep popping on here between the pile of ironing ..hanging some clean curtains,and a general tidy up and chuck away. Shaney is giving me the evil eye !!
I think it might be walkies time .
Must stop slacking
I think the juice has run out again...put a shilling in the meter someone.

Hi Biddies

Long time no post. I'm sorry the nippy weather is causing some aches and pains - I'm rather enjoying the cool breeze in the city. Hot weather is nice, but the smog, lingering cigarette smoke and un-airconditioned offices take away some of the special-ness. I will start moaning again when I have to wear a coat or start layering for sure.

have a great weekend!

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lol shaney love the pic!
thanks for the info - I'll see if it's a bit easier tomorrow, can't be bothered to battle this breeze to go to ye olde shoppe & there's a big black cloud heading this way. (haha I said clod, probably one of those as well!) Jude's masseur sounds good, I'll get my best libby on.....

I can tell it's cool today, charlie is back up on his favourite chair instead of the floor......

Oh No!!

I've told him not to answer the door when I'm out
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oooh afternoon 'O great pink person'!! - yep soon be time for an ole grotto again - we'd like one with modern electricity - the kind that Vinny can't blow up, & an indoor lav this year please.
Hi All And ABEd Had a lovely cajun chicken baguette with salad and chips. We sat inside though because it was a bit windy outside. Lots of boats on the canal at this time of year.
I'm going to make a cuppa now and sit and read the Telegraph which has just arrived.
See you later........:o)
Nice place jude...
Is that you coming in to land Vinny
I had a lovely cajun chicken baguette with salad and chips and I had a Dry white wine and lemonade, then I came home and went to sleep. Built up my energy for tonight!!!
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Jude's been tango'd

spent a few bob in there over the yrs...oldest son worked there for a short while.

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