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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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evening all, including visiting senoras... just back from really lovely hol in Bruges (very wisely had chosen to go by train rather than plane!)... gorgeous old place... took hundreds of photos... so what did I do then? Only left my bag on Eurostar, with camera in it. It has not been handed in. Fortunately only the camera, had passport and money in my pocket. But boy am I peeved. Excuse me while I fill the bath with self-pity to have a good wallow and then I shall go find a plate-glass window to kick in. Grrrr.

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evening - what a horrible dark, wet, windy day.....tut.....hope it didn't rain in on you again shaney & I'm sure your butler will remove the poop - almost went to the shops with a lovely purple one all down my back once!

erm, yes Vinny tea at 7 would be lovely thanks (mmm, wonders what he's up to?)

oh shame I missed Jude I was going to give her back her gardener,
thanks, same time next week
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evening jno oh dear, what a rotten thing to happen after your nice break.....welcome home, matron will be along with the Kalms very soon.
Hi jno,it still might be handed in.are keep my fingers crossed for you.
naughty robinia (:-)
Oh dear Jno ....Bagless in Bruges ..hopefully it may be handed in never know.Nothing worse than losing your handbag.I had mine stolen a few years ago now.Swines.I never got it back and it was a nightmare replacing all the paperwork I used to tote around plus losing personal stuff.

Needless to say I travel light these days ( mind you I only go to Somerfields)....purse in pocket mostly.Or small bag with B all but a hanky and a hairbrush.
Bruges is lovely though ..we used to go there quite a bit when we lived Holland ..Antwerp as well.Still have some Bruges lace handkerchiefs I bought for Mum there. Jude is safely off on her hols we can nab her gardener Robinia...I wonder what he's like on ceilings....Hmmm
tip-toes in...toast is ready robinia...
and here's me big chopper...hehe...I bought 2 along,incase shaney needed one...hehe...(:-)..
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morning to all who are left in this dusty den - happy Binday.....ooh hush my mouth, don't mention the WB's.......same old here, dull & windy, & that's just me.
The toast was lovely Vinny, but I like the crust off ......scrambled eggs tomorrow please.

Looks like I'll have to don my fuzzy hat & green coat with the fur collar & go & buy some shampoo for charlie, he's done nothing but scratch all weekend. Not found a single flea tho' so maybe he's just got into an itch, scratch cycle.

the Neti Roadshow, coming to a Primark near you

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love the blue nips btw Vinny, very appropriate today.....
Well it looks like it's just me and thee Robinia ..and I've got a hole in my bucket dear Liza da dum ....
The builder will be along shortly (fingers crossed) so hopefully I can get this seen too. Wet and windy here .
No doubt it's extra windy in Woolycombe !
I tried to get some leopardskin leggings in Primark but they said someone had bought up all the stock !
Well....I had better see if the Butler has ironed the Telegraph ....and polished my wellies.
Toodlepip for now.
Oh ..I didn't see Vinny skulking in the corner !
Yes ..a big man on a bike ..that's just what I need !!
oh, I'm around... just feeling too cross to talk. Weather's miserable, I'm miserable. Full of loathing for mankind, and just seen some bills that arrived while I was away. BAH. <there, hope I have sprinkled a little ray of sunshine into everyone's lives...>
whispers very quietly....."((((((((SUNS OUT HERE..!!)))))))))))))>>>>>>>>whoosh>>>>>>>>>(*_*)
Hi all ,Robinia saw your answer to a question on Depression (Clown Tickle) I was surprised you always seem so calm etc. I suffer (like InaPickle) from Bi-Polar .was diagnosed early last year after an episode of spending ,cutting and colouring my hair,trying on Teenage clothes ,talking to at least 16 people whom I did not know (it takes me a lot to talk to strangers or at least it used to )in one day !!!I felt at the time a mixture of high intensity elation and a bit down when I felt that people would think I was mad. I am on 2 Prozacs a day .I was offered Lithium but too frightened to take it . It was my Birthday yesterday -another year older .
Happy~~~~~~~~ Birthday~~~~~~~~~ DOLLY...
for yesterday..
for dolly
Happy Birthday dear Dolly Happy Birthday to you .Hope you had a good one !!
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flops down in wallowing corner
strewth, I'm shattered....had a bloomin dizzy fit at the shops this morning, it happens sometimes, so I had to come home. All I'd bought were lotto, dog shampoo & 2 cream cakes.....priorities right anyway.
Decided this afternoon to go ahead with the planned bathing of the mut ceremony & what with the drying & the cleaning afterwards I'm in need of a pampering myself. AND he's still scratching....hope it calms down.

A thousand apologies for not remembering your birthday Dolly I had it written down too on one of these dozens of lists I have all over the place. Hope you had a lovely day......yes, I've had some low times but I'm much better at recognising it early now & can usually avoid being down for long. I've not been so bad since I had my first computer oddly enough, (probably 'cos you find out you're not alone & also I tend to get so engrossed in various topics I forget about myself) especially in the winter which is the worst time. Take care xxx

dons gown & scratchy wig to explore new Law category
Judge Robinia

ooh, my 8000th post; and more than 27 of these have actually been useful.
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haha lol jno that probably would be me....
reply no 4495....5 useful (gardening)
types furiously to catch up, I know nowt about sport but hey ho
Just popping in quickly to say hi - am off to Primark yippee tomorrow. What awful weather you lot have over here. Actually it is quite a relief for me. Went to a rock and roll show last night and I was rocking and rolling in the aisles (then I took my pill and it was alright again) but did have a terrific time and the singers kept looking my way as I think I was the youngest there. I do miss all this when I'm back home. Saw my adopted brother for the first time in 17 yrs it was great! Must go for dinner now. Will try to isit again soon but it's difficult as they are always turning the computer off!!!!
sorry - happy belated birthday to dolly xxx

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