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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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That looks a lovely place Jude.
Can anyone tell me if you can alter the direction of that pencil thingy in Paint. It"s like trying to write with your left hand ..if you are right handed that is.
Yes ...I know I'm rambling ..but it's so awkward to use.
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hehe - don't think so shaney you could try using the paintbrush with a fine line....I'm hopeless at drawing with a mouse
Hi there everyone, notsoswetineti logging in on sister's computer. Guess who was caught up in the long delays at Ibiza airport cos of the terrosists. Finally took off after 3hrs but it made the day so long, as I was up at 5.30 and finally reached Eastbourne at 18.30 - shattered. Have been rushing around the shops today having terrific fun. It's rather chilly over here isn't it, although to be honest it's not so hot in Ibiza according to my hubby. Am meeting Inapickle on Wednesday, he's coming to my sister's house for afternoon tea, with his partner, so look forward to meeting them both again. Can't get on here too often so all take care and I'll log on asap
Have just read all your comments about me and magic carpets and pictures of manky old men. I am in Eastbourne now and I am above all that sort of thing,said with nose in the air,
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hey neti glad you made it least you weren't outa sight outa mind.....hehe....hope you've got your leopardskin leggings with you, they're very in at the moment. Love to Pickle.
HiNeti.....glad you arrived safely.
When I went into Primark earlier they hadn't got anything left !!
Enjoy your time here..
Welcome Neti Have a great time. Say hello to Inapickle for us.
Morning all I'm going to a wedding today so you all have a good day and I may see you later.... :o)
Logging in quickly - have been shopping again, I love it here, but I ache all over. Am going to see "That,ll be the day" rock'n'roll show on Sunday night, so I'll be doing a jude flinging myself about with gay(?) abandon. It,s raining on and off here and I'vr got nothing to wear. Am going car-booting tomorrow (looking for leopard-skin leggings). Have bought a portable dvd player and a new mobile phone and lots of sundry items like knickers (too large to mention) Can only get on here once a day for a few minutes so hopefully talk to yus manana. Kissy kissy xx
Evening Folks....been a lovely day here.Worked this morning,And spent the rest of the Day down Woolacombe.I see the Netti has landed..enjoy your Holiday netti...blimey,I bet primarks sold out..!!
erm...did you find a man with a big chopper robinia...hehe..(:-#)
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that was me fainting....who is that Vinny?! whit wooo, very nice.
No I'm still trying to find the right chopper man, they're all a bit pricey, got another estimate on Tues.....had to get the long rod man out this morning.... (leave it).... me & my neighbour had blocked drains - yuck. It was on her side that it was blocked.....I'd better stop using the radio times hehe.

Hope you had a good time Jude & that your titfer didn't blow orf....

yo neti glad you're enjoying yourself,
a little excessive methinks

tut..... all these biddies having a high ole time & what do I get?..... bunged up bogs.....oh & I put me new washing line up, can't have me draws dragging on the ground....
LOL Vinny He looks very much like my gardener except he's got more hair!!!!! (your piccy not my gardener!!)
Wedding was fine Robinia but a spritzer cost me �5.10 and I'm not joking!!!!! (only had the one)
So I'm now going to my local haunt for a couple of hours. See you later. :o)
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mmmm...... all's fair in love and the

herbaceous bed
Just got in, LOL Robinia. It's absolutely p*****g down. Hope it's stopped by morning. Just having my Horlicks then I'm off to me bed. Usual routine tomorrow for me plus my packing yeeeeeh!!! Will have my last chat with you tomorrow then I'm off til next Friday or Saturday. If you move please leave me good instructions and make it somewhere warm!! Goodnight All xx
Morning all...horrendous weather here ..well yesterday anyway poured down all day and the water is coming through my ceiling again ,..but not dripping ...running ! I have got buckets and towels stuck in the middle of the floor. We had thunder and gales of wind and.I didn't realise until I looked on Accuweather that they had issued a severe weather warning for my neck of the woods.
Was supposed to go to the Farmers Market today but will give it a miss as it's as black as your hat again.
Have a nice holiday Jude in case I miss you before you go.
Have a nice Sunday all least the downpour has done some good ....

See you all later did I put the Kalms ....and the whisky !!
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morning(ish) all.....oh dear shaney still having the water torture? You'll have to wear your plastic mac until you get it sorted but remember to put your clothes on underneath, you don't want to look like boil-in-the-bag. Do you realise that while Jude's away, unless jno is back & apart from the odd (very odd) visit from neti & Dolly (hope you're feeling better) there'll be just us left with Windy of Woolycombe?
lovely pics, your japanese anemanenomonies look healthier than mine with their shrivelled leaves.

glad to see neti enjoying one of our
Your post has cheered me up no end Robinia</>..I really laughed ...and that's a great picture of <b<Neti!
Touch wood we haven't had any heavy rain today so far just a short shower about an hour ago.
It was so bad I had to go up the garden in the dark last night with Shaney holding a torch and an umbrella or he wouldn't pee ! I have just discovered that a sheet of felting has blown off the shed roof now ! crown it all ..I went down to get a paper this morning and on the way back felt a huge splash on my in to find a seagull had pooped down my jacket !
Just called in to say hello and goodbye. I'm all packed and ready to go. My sister's taking me to the station in the morning and my son is meeting me at the other end. I've just realized the football season has started again and it's only 133 days to Christmas!!!!
Bye all see you next week xxx :o)
testing rushes in bye jude..have a good one..evening all.
cant seem to post it my putta...??haha....thats suppose to be lucky, isnt it shaney
erm...oh no...what you gone and bought now netti??....
Cor blimey....its amazing what you get at a eastbourne car boot sale..hehe..!!
robinia..tea and toast at 7:am...okay.....?warn charlie first please....hi shaney....dont look up...oooops to late...hehe..!waves to dolly)))))))))(*_*)

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