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Monet ::Van Gogh:: Renoir.((*_*))

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VINNY100_2 | 12:12 Sun 02nd Dec 2007 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers
Dear ED. could you put some Paintings up on the blank page while we are waiting for it to change.I quite like the Cafe Terrace On The Place Du Forum.(:O)


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Bork bork bork, I've had halloumi fried with a blend of spices called Santa Maria's Chili Explosion. Couldn't be happier.

Has the hippie gone to Londing again?

"Beg your parding, Mrs. Harding,
Is our kitting in your garding,
Eating of a mutting-bone?"
�No, he's gone to Londing"
"How many miles to Londing?
Eleving? I thought it was only seving.
Heavings! What a long way from home!�

(Don't know who wrote it.)

Well I'll just have to be the DJ then 'cos we have to have some Saturday night music, in my opiniation.

monday's child
I expect the hippy's dabbing his red erm.....shoulders with calamine, it's been sizzling today.
oh I love that toon, my kinda music (& it played, lots of people, including me, are having a prob with youtube) It's quite northern soul-ish.

well my bro has a problem & they've sent him into hospital, as a precautionary measure, where hopefully they'll sort him out asap before it escalates like last time. Better get some sleep, just in case. I think it might be a flimsy instead of a wincy tonight...

Good thing he's in a place where they'll be able to look after him and give him what he needs the minute he needs it. G'nite, sleep tight.
Hello Everyone hope your Bro gets well soon Robi. Family members can be a worry can't they! But as Kit says he is in the right place to be sorted.

I haven't been on for a while had a bit of a busy week but Mr. T has gone south today so I am having a quiet Sunday. Thought everything was going well until me email went to pot. I was sending some photos to my sister (5) and didn't realise that they take ages to deliver well they do on my antiquated PC and I thought there was a fault. So after much 'fuffoowaffing' and key pressing it finally came right but didn't deliver the photos so I think I overloaded the system.:o) What a plonker I am!!
What a lovely day it is today I haven't done anything else much, I even had just salad for my lunch. I'm going to leave the ironing 'til later maybe when I'm watching Midsomer Murders!

Outside the air is full of sausages and burgers cooking. Eveybody must be having barbies. I can also hear little kids screaming and laughing playing in there paddling pools. Brings back memories ahhh!!

Went to a concert on Friday where Mr T was playing the piano in the band It was a local Theatre Group singing songs from the shows and very good it was too. Made a change from my local haunt. I wouldn't have minded going there as well though as there was a tribute band on to The Beautiful South called guess what......The Beautiful Sound. Maybe they will come again sometime. .

Thats about all for now hope you're all having a good weekend. Try not to worry too much Robi

See yer later 'gater(s) x
aha, so that explains why my computer froze and the baroque fountain stopped gushing, the floodlights on my private tennis court went out and the punkahs stopped turning - it was that Jude crashing the internet again...
good evening...anyone need hosing down? bbq need dousing?

Vinny! wake up!the gallery's full of scantilly clad biddies

well except for Sweedie looks like she's had too many cider lollies...(can you still buy them?)

I think jude must have cut off the power supply to all the local diyers because it's been the quietest Sunday for......years, I think. Well apart from the twerps over the road & their cars.

Thanks folks, my brother's now thankfully back in situ, so hopefully they've sorted him out in time.
Aha! Did you all notice that T'bag has now advanced to being called Mr T? Biddies I think it's time Jude brings him home to us so that we may examine him more closely - we'll be expecting him around tea time next Sunday Jude.

So glad to hear your brother is feeling a bit better again, Robinia. You mentioned a while back he might have to be moved again from where he lives - I hope that's not the case anymore. It's so upsetting having to move people that you care for around, as you know who upsetting it is to them.

The kiosk/caf� in my park has now purchased beach chairs as well as ordinary caf� chairs but I'm not much of a sunbather, not with my Snowhite skin. The heat is taking its toll on me - or rather, the humidity is. Perhaps I should try sleeping on a bench this night, as Vinny's test and Robinia's photo suggest. Could be nice - some kids are still having a picnic and playing the guitar, as I write this. Almost as nice as the horses that were grazing in the garden (sic!) just beneath my window last week.

Wonder how Shaney's doing with that obnoxious kid. Little does she know that while she's cussing about his cussing, something far more alarming is taking place in her very own cupboard - yes, it's a mouse, trying to steal her cheese, but I'd say it's a mission impossible But while we're in your pantry Shaney I have a question for you. I saw you on another thread a while back saying you prefer real butter to margarine. I do too, but it's so hard. You said it's not at all necessary to keep it in the fridge - but what do you do about it in the summer?
can someone go & stick a pin under Vin's bum

It's quite nice outside, I don't feel as sticky as last night and I sat outside until it was almost dark - I suddenly realised I was only about 3 inches away from the book I was reading! A first this year. (Sitting outside in the evening - not reading a book).

oh yes, real butter every time for me too. Don't you have Lurpak spreadable Kit? Not cheap, but my body is a temple (ok, so it's in ruins). It's still a bit firm straight from the fridge but only takes a few mins to soften. Anyway don't worry about hard butter, just do what I did & put a slice of it on your bread :o)

why do I have this feeling that the quiet of the day is going to end as soon as I go to bed? Last night we had fireworks, cars revving, someone's house alarm for 15 mins....grrrr...

Pleased to hear your bro is OK Robinia ..mine isn't .
I spent last night keeping my sister in law company at the hospital as they rushed him back in with internal bleeding .
As you may know he had a new knee op last week and came home on Thursday .No probs ,he was walking up and down the garden on Friday but they give an epidural for new joints and use these catheters.Having had a "mens" op a few years ago they couldn't get the tube in due to scarring so cut him and gave him a bag thingy and he got a clot in the night .Lots of panic ,ambulances etc. He seems OK now but it was touch and go .All very worrying .
ooh er, these clinical details do make me come over all funny. I have a friend who is going to get a new knee in a couple months, and she hopes to be back on the golf course asap afterwards - as long as the gout goes away. The allopurinol doesn't seem to work for her, unfortunately. She's going to Birmingham, since that's apparently Knee Central.

I went to a barbie yesterday, Shaney, and ended up chatting to the Times crossword editor. (Or one of them, there are several.) I would have taken a list of unanswered clues from Q&P to wave under her nose if I'd known.

Die of cold (3, 4).
Oh Shaney I'm so sorry to hear about what your brother has been going through. What a relief he seems to be out of the woods now, and still being taken care of at the hospital I presume. Hope you'll be able to rest this night.

A little cooler here now and I seem to be putting going to bed off to enjoy the fact I'm not dripping wet.

Hm no I don't think we have Lurpak but it's not always easy to know, take for instance the Tivall sausages that Vinny is always on about, I found we've got'em here too but under another brand name.

Speaking of Vinny being absent, Robinia, I'm sorry if I forgot to mention that he's here with me and we are very happy as you can see.

What with Jude causing national blackouts and everything you're lucky to have batteries in those, jno...
morning Tiggy-Winkles....tis lovely here, there's a breeze today which is keeping it fresh so far.

Oh crikey shaney that sounds a bit nasty to say the least. Hope he makes a good & speedy recovery. Scares me 'wit'less when I think of all the things that can go wrong with us & then I marvel at what our bodies can take & still survive.

ok Kit I'll just have to send you some
a few more BIG BREATHS & it'll be on it's way....

<running out of ways to attract his attention...tut>

Ice cube?
Morning folks
Thanks for your thoughts.I am sure my brother will be fine He's not a man who lets things get him down easily .
Mind you he never moans about aches and pains (unlike his little sister :)) but he did grumble that the pain from the knee op was awful.I hope your friend gets on OK Jno .It's painful because they cut through muscle I suppose and that all has to knit back together .And of course my brother is 72 and the older you get and so on ....

Anyway enough of medical mysteries ..
Die of cold ? Ice cube ..I would think .
Not that I go over there to Q&P much these days.Some bright spark told me I was encouraging laziness by answering someones question when they hadn't given enough relevant information to his satisfaction so I told him to poke it .Tin pot dictators on a website don't cut any ice with moi .
Not quite so hot here today .Have a good day all xxx
Hang on there shaney I'll probably be doing the Telegraph crossword in Sept/Oct so will defo need more than a helping hand! Hope your bro and Robi's are Ok now, it's horribly when a family member is ill or in pain.

Right, where's El Vin I need a query answered. Have heard from George's hopspital (he didn't run orf with Lampwick or anyone as his button wasn't working, and you can't do much with a broken button can you , so there Robi! - I knew he was normal all along) and don't start lecturing me on being PC about all this. Normal is normal I say!! Right where was I, or yes q for Vin They are trying to charge for mending George's button and say it isn't under guarantee, but I've had it less than 2 yrs so surely a button is guaranteed??

Morning all!!
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Hiya,two glorious days on the beach and its still sunny,but methinks the storm is a coming...catch you later>>(:O)
ps sorry to hear about peoples ills hope they all get better.
must go and retrieve the car from the garage>>
Vinny!!! answer my question PLEASE!!!
ice cube, it was in one of the very first Times xwords, I believe.

Neti, do you have an actual written guarantee that came with George? It'll tell you what you're entitled to. If you haven't you'll have to rely on the law of the land, but Ibiza's kind of lawless isn't it? So you'll have to pull a gun on the repairman. 6ba238b80.jpg?v=0
<sigh>...she's just never gonna come to terms with it is she?

shaney pull up your pouffe. BBC radio Derby & Norfolk are joining up after 3pm...they're talking about seaside holidays in the 'ode days'.
nb I'm not responsible for the choice of presenter :o(

Vinny!! answer crabbineti's question please before she blows a gasket
No jno over here the receipt is the guarantee, and anything electrical is guaranteed for 2 years, but try to tell the money-grabbing locals that!!!

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