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Monet ::Van Gogh:: Renoir.((*_*))

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VINNY100_2 | 12:12 Sun 02nd Dec 2007 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers
Dear ED. could you put some Paintings up on the blank page while we are waiting for it to change.I quite like the Cafe Terrace On The Place Du Forum.(:O)


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He he he, that stick man looks very funny when you tell him to "laugh" and to "play the guitar" (not at the same time).

Had blueberries for supper, don't know what else to eat after all this heat. They said on the teve it may be a tropical night in Gothenburg.

Well now that Robinia has found her perfect subservient stick man, how about you Vinny are you looking for anyone 'cos if you are I've found the perfect girl for you, her name is Titiyo and just wait until you see what she puts in the cocoa balls - they are special cookies indeed!

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subtle hint from the kip.....breakfast will be resumed at ...blimey...ginger,..!! gerry at 3:o.clock...sorry kip..its a when i use to read me comics..(:O)
Now where did I put my Devonian Decoder... is he fighting WW2, Robinia? <or am I the Gerry> And having breakfast at the same time...? Sigh... Vinny why can't you talk like Lord Bellamy in Upstairs Downstairs and by the way are you still having a pint in the nude, turn the Skype on he he he he he he...
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Turns on skype.....(:O)
Don't worry Kit I just nod & laugh & hope I haven't agreed to anything illegal

Just don't ask me to decipher anything today

you've been in the AB Laundry, Robinia?

You didn't see a spare left sock, did you?

omg! skype! vinny! the horror! the horror!

It's a bit cooler today so I'm contemplating thinking about going to a cellphone shop to have a first, trembling look at cellphones - I've never had one and I don't really want one but all the young folk in the family (half-sisters, nephew) only use cellphones and it's unnecessarily expensive for me to keep on calling their cellphones from my landline.

You go on and lie down for a while on the ironing board Robinia, I'll buy you an alarm clock today - which one do you want? Scroll about sixty percent down the page for an annoying assortment - and a little below those there's a section about the Sedlec ossuary for the two morbid ones.

While I'm out, shall I get you a real good washing machine jno?
oh lordy, I've been rumbled...yes, tis true, I am the Widow Twanky of AB. I agreed to do it in exchange for our secret didn't think they came rent free did ya?!
The things we do for love...<sigh>

'Ere, this it jno?

now give me a few minutes to finish washing my hair...'s another one, never a moment's peace...
I don't need an alarm clock thank you sweedie, my eyes spring open at 6.45 every morning, whether I'm awake or not.

But you did want that gradual light alarm. I want it too and most of all the zen alarm I've mentioned before. I want both!
mmm, that's true, in 3 months time we'll be fumbling around in the dark :o(
I could always put the low energy light bulbs back in & the place'll be like bloomin' Blackpool all of the time.
Gosh have just seen Dolly's plastic bags email, frightening isn't it. I usually put my shopping into a cardboard box but have to admit to using plastic bags sometimes.
hello all just a quick pop in on such a hot day....decorating is going as well as these things do....Luckily DH has remembered how much he hates it so we will GALMI the at the stickman...has anyone NOT seen the chicken? Well just in case you haven't
hi woofy...the chicken's a recording I'm afraid. While you were away our sub fees were low & times were hard so we had to stick him on the rotisserie - he was a bit tough but neti managed to devour the parson's nose...I think she's a cannibal, must be living on an island that does it.
The way the fuel costs are going
this will be our next spit roast

Jesus Mary and Josef, do you biddies know how good halloumi cheese is... Why haven't I used it before?! I know why, it's because I thought it would make a mess of the cast iron frying pan and you would have to scrub it for half an hour afterwards, but it doesn't. Haven't tried the kind that comes in mint yet, have chosen basil instead as I want to use chili blends and cayenne and that kind of thing. Today I had it with avocado slices and olive oil and lemon and roasted pumpkin seeds and red onion... it's so good I'm not sure it's legal.

Coming home this evening I saw two hot air balloons and as I was standing on the stairs outside the door of my building I suddenly looked up and saw a third one, so exactly above me that I actually saw the dragon-like fire!

Just love your surfin' bird, Vinny (on the drawings site, biddies.) I think it's time you admitted you love the sh1tehawks and couldn't live without'em.

Hi Woofy, I'm kind of scared of that chicken when he comes up to the camera and scrutinizes you - does he do that to you too or is it just me, ha ha. BTW you weren't here when I posted the dog on the water slide, I think you'll like it so here it is again
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Why thank you young lady..she's the bu66er who's bin giving me 5 points hehe..!
are yes halloumi,lovely can fry it,stick it on a errr.stick.and even use it has a door stop..!(:O)
I sent a link to the stickman to a friend, and she emailed back to say 'Have you seen what he does when you tell him to prevaricate?'

Well, it does look rather odd.
Only a friend of jno's would think to write "prevaricate"... it's hilarious! (Had to look the word up first, though...)

Oh now I wouldn't give you five points Vinny, you've explicitly instructed us to give you no less than seven ha ha ha... ;-) ...but yes you're right about the door stop bit!



<is Sweedie on commission for that stuff? she keeps plugging it. Looks like polyfilla to me>

Well strike a light...I was going to say if you look up into the sky about 5 past 10 (in the UK) you might see the Space Station approaching from the W heading ESE. Orangey glow I think he said.

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