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Monet ::Van Gogh:: Renoir.((*_*))

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VINNY100_2 | 12:12 Sun 02nd Dec 2007 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers
Dear ED. could you put some Paintings up on the blank page while we are waiting for it to change.I quite like the Cafe Terrace On The Place Du Forum.(:O)


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ROFL@ the Neti-Cat and her gun. That's just unbelievable, that the button wouldn't be under guarantee...! Go ahead an shoot'im Neti, I'll come to Ibiza and help you, even though my name isn't

Inga from Sweden (but guess what my mother's name was...)

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Nope...not if you kicked it..!(:O)
its only a bloomin spring gone i spect,undo the bu66er netti
,you might be able to do it youself...<<that keep er busy fer few hours...fingers crossed hehe..!
Go back to sleep Vinny!!

Have just contacted the makers, and they confirm that George is guaranteed for 2 years, and I've had to send them a number so they'll sort it. I'll have to pay in the end, no doubt, these things always happen to me. But I'll feel better for putting up a fight.
neti + DIY.....???


Oh ha ha , that did make me laugh - bless George, he may well have to stay in the cupboard (notice I chose my words carefully?) if I have to pay.
11.07 Robinia at computer despondently running out of ways to attract Vinnys attention

17.24 Robinia back at computer and back in business
Oh that'll upset her sweedie she's not that fat !!!!
Fat!?? I'd give my right toe to look like that!
Me too - but she's very picky about being "sticky"
Oh. Yes I see. That's true, Neti, and yet, and yet, she didn't mind showing herself off the other day when she was playing with nadal
have you two quite finished? least you got my good side...well there's always one bigger than t'other..... :o)
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OI..! who switched off the s☼n.(((*_*)))
one minute i was in the nude enjoying a pint,next thing i had to put me vegatarian fir coat dab radio is fading in and out..must be the lightning coming...Play Loud or are shoot you with me erm.peashooter>>>.>(:O)
well I had to run outside in me altogether to fetch things inside 'cos it looked like a storm was brewing but it's not arrived yet..

at last
I've found the man of my dreams
<♫bless my cotton socks, I'm in the nude...♫

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Oh Blimey...!!
theyve all past this would happen one day...erm....hehe..they didnt know i had a plan..
get in touch with the ED.are keep going till me 500's up and Are ask the ed if Its alright if I gets 6 aliases..well..! its better than talking to me self (:O).....hic,..! hehe..(:O)
play loudish didnt expect that did yer>> x
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BU66ER..! back to plan B..(:O)

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Monet ::Van Gogh:: Renoir.((*_*))

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