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Monet ::Van Gogh:: Renoir.((*_*))

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VINNY100_2 | 12:12 Sun 02nd Dec 2007 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers
Dear ED. could you put some Paintings up on the blank page while we are waiting for it to change.I quite like the Cafe Terrace On The Place Du Forum.(:O)


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went out to burn up all unwanted documents from decades of employment last night... in the incinerator rather than the rubbish bin as there was enough info there to clone me several times over, if anyone's stupid enough to want to... anyway after an hour's burning two fire engines suddenly turned up with sirens bleeping and parked over the road. I wonder if they were after me... anyway I covered the incinerator, rushed inside and went to bed and they didn't come knocking at the door. But I expect I have committed some terrible crime under the Protection Of Incriminating Data Act.
good morning, I thought I was dans le dungeon, my first attempt on another thread flew off into cyberspace. Please feel free to put it in the fire if it comes your way jno. And don't tell fibs, we know it was your old copies of which? slippers you were secretly disposing of.

Just had a thunderstorm here (not a bad one) which irked me
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Afternoon good.
If Id have known jno,I would have brought me helihopter round to fan the flames..(:O)
Talk Talks just phoned me and offered �10 squid fer bu66ering up me broadband...blimey...miracles do happen.
oh no dolly,ts other way round,i keep sending them pics of me twirly twirly helicopter stickyman. hehe...I still prefer me virtual barladys..its peeps who try to analize me
that i like to play with..♫.keep on playing those mind games forever.♫ talking of which...wonder wat the weathers like in sweden...♫ chichen tikka tell me whats wrong ♫ hahaha..!whooshes back to the horizon>>>>(:O)(((*_*)))
afternoon all - have just been helping the police with their enquiries. I was proceeding in an easter direction when I came to a zebra crossing, so like all good oaps, I waited and crossed in front of a stopped 4x4 (who had incidently stopped for me!) I always look to see if anything else is coming and was horrified to see a volkwagon golf hurtling towards me, as it was overtaking the stopped car, I apparently fled to the other side quicker than Dwayne Chambers on steroids, and there was an almightly smash and said Golf stopped 2 yards away from me having bounced of 4x4 destroying everything in it's path. I was slightly blubbering (as in idiot) and so wanted to throttled young lad driver, but decided not too. So had to give all details to cops, who then decided that I or anyone else was not injured so twas only insurance matter. I wondered whether to fall down there and then and clutch chest and claim, but not encouraged in this country and chest is rather large to clutch delicately! Called Mr N and he came and took me for coffee, then trotted on my way, feeling, it has to be said, rather confused and dizzy, but am fine now.

Dare not go in pool on lilo cos it'll probably get a hole and zoom all round Spain with me on it, with my luck today.

There must remember this if ever needed!!

Hope you are all well biddies. And remember here in Ibiza, it is safer to cross roads away from crossings!
Forgive an old woman her typos!
flippin heck neti you're a tottering disaster zone, I bet that made you sweti. It's happened to me as far as the car on the outer lane hasn't stopped at a red light but there's never been a crash....yet. And (Jude will know what I mean) when I cross from the co-op to iceland where there's no crossing, lorry/vanmen often stop to let me across(yes, I can still stop traffic <ahem>) but idiots come tearing up on their inside so the kindness of one driver could cost me my life! don't think they're out to get me.....?

<I'll give him mind games...>

men?.....pah! we've got you sussed

I love this song
I keep hearing it, don't know how long it's been out.

<kip strolls past, wondering if asking a man to to do the helicopter qualifies as mind games in the UK...> ...and besides it was Robi's idea in the first place, I just seconded that emotion... ♪ ♫ korma korma korma korma korma chameleon♫ ♪ ♪ poppadom preach, I'm in trouble deep ♪ ♪ but it's chapati and i'll cry if i want to♪ ♫ ♪

Great Scot, Neti - that was a close call! No house cleaning today please, just relax - and yes you're right, better not go into the pool today!

I can feel your relief from here jno - you couldn't wait to let your work life go up in flames could you. I don't believe people are meant to work with the same thing all their lives - well not that that I know if you have, I'm just thinking out loud. No matter if you're choosen your profession or it "just happened", I think people need to move on.

Have to tell you all about this before I forget: I saw wisents while I was visiting with my friend! No not her kids... but these amazing creatures. But they never ever become "tame", not even if you take care of them from birth. There aren't too many of them around anymore, and certainly very few parks in the world. It was quite exciting - one of them really looked back at me... he stood very still - too still! - and just looked at me, not grazing or anything. Awesome, in the true sense of the word. And another thing: I held a small bottle of water from Lourdes in my hands! A friend of my friend's had been given it and she showed it to us. Special feeling.

the real deal

Hi Robinia, where's my halloumi gone - it's you isn't it?
<she's at it again.....♫ it halloumi you're looking for...?♫....>
He he, you taught me a new word Robi: polyfilla. I'm trying hard not to think of it when I'm having my halloumi...
<♫..halloumi-ry lou...♫..>

...or... pollyfilla come home again
btw Kit, did you get a 'cell' phone? (bloomin Americans, it's a mobi)
so wll u b doin txt spk?
all Swedish looks like text speak to me :o)
No I didn't get a... mobi... after all, Robinia. As I said I don't really want one, just feel like it's becoming compulsory. Will get one if I ever go into hospital though - my flying-pig-friend is a nurse and she once told a story of a man (not on her ward) who had fallen out of his bed and not been able to attract the attention of the nurses to help him up again. After calling out to them for two hours he finally decided to call 911 from his cell- instead... and so he did... and they arrived there, too. He must have been so glad to have one!
lawks, neti, hard to say if it's worse when people see you or when they don't m.jpg
Spanish call them moviles, and the Germans call them handys!
Hope you're feeling okay, Neti. / Over here we used to call'em "yuppie teddies" when they were still a novelty. Don't know if you had the word yuppie in the UK or if it's an americanism, it was short for Young Urban Professional, and the "teddy"-part of course referred to a child's teddy bear.

I've had an email from myself (sic!) offering me to buy or download or whatever a dodgy Angelina Jolie video and it's really bugging (ha ha) me that the sender was my own email address. Biddies you know I'm a worrier so would you please confirm having read this post of mine? I'm picturing everyone I know receiving weird emails from me. The Angelina Jolie ones wouldn't be the worst as I'm sure everyone would understand it's not really from me, but what do I know what "they" might use my sender address for.
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receives another weird e.mail frum kip.. one of the greatest English bands ever..yowser yo play loud yowser biddys..! i ve just bin in me garden with the ole chiminea and watching the stars a few beers and sum erbs.....hic,..! i luv you i do....where be shaney..i miss er..luv the way she writes..magic..dab gotta get it..amazing..(((*_*))).
That's so beautiful, Vinny, it's going straight to my desktop. Love it, and love you - even though I haven't had any beer or herbs, he he he. Thanks for confirming about the possible, weird emails - I don't like the thought of it at all so it's good to know y'all know. Yes I'm missing you too Shaney. Hope your brother's doing okay again?

into the mystic

(She's Harry's daughter by the way.)
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Bloomin eck..they havent got a clue what hard up means..tut.. (:O)

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