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Monet ::Van Gogh:: Renoir.((*_*))

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VINNY100_2 | 12:12 Sun 02nd Dec 2007 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers
Dear ED. could you put some Paintings up on the blank page while we are waiting for it to change.I quite like the Cafe Terrace On The Place Du Forum.(:O)


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Hope that's intended as satire (what n.k. said.)

I should have said Harry Chapin's daughter. (It says Jen Chapin if you click "more info" but not everyone does I s'pose.
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WoW MaGiC sOuNd KiP..(:o)
I know! I was really looking for the man himself but it seems he's withdrawn his stuff from YT and so I found this instead. Never heard of her before.
Yes, lots of yuppies in Britain though particularly assciated with the Thatcher era.

I get emails from myself too, Kit. Do they think I'm going to be fooled?

What's more, after getting lots of offers of videos of Britney doing unspeakable things I now get offers of videos of me doing unspeakable things. I mean how could they possibly have recorded me in that dim light?
LOL jno... was trying to answer a question in Music yesterday and found a clip which might interest you, being a film buff. casting Funny isn't she...
<maybe not a well chosen point of time to post a wicked witch casting clip just after jno posted about self titled videos, kit... he he he... oh well... i can't think of everything can i> G'night biddies.
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This is a good station I found on dab...later me baths running>>>(:O)yo
good moaning...white wabbits & all that, soon be xmas. It feels like autumn already, think I need a cardie on.

<dons anorak>...Did you see the new steam loco on the news?it's just ooooooooh...makes me go all funny & I completely understand people's passion for them (my brother included). That's what we need, lots of sooty smuts on our wincies when we fetch them off the washing line.
In fact I love all big machinery, tractors, diggers, I odd? <no, course not Robi>
But not Thomas the Tank, not ever....aagghh, that music...

and I love Justin/Moodies too but I lost all the albums on my last puta

I don't get emails from anyone, even I don't send me any

oooh, that was a spooky coincidence Vincent (
you weren't there when I started - got side tracked listening to the MBs)
Morning all - Was sitting at a cafe near the bus stop when a poor English woman had her purse nicked out of her bag, she didn't even notice that this man slipped his hand in the bag, you have to be so careful over here, it happens everyday, and the police don't do anything!! Makes me so cross.

Have confirmation that I may now bring George back to the bosom of his loving family free of charge, (bet the local repairers hate that!)

Can't wait to get to Eastbourne where (I imagine) life is quiet and peaceful and crimeless!!!(oh and defo much cooler!)
Well! That stick man isn't a lot of use .I asked him to polish my wellies and he just laid on the floor and kicked his legs in the air .Come back Lampwick all is forgiven .
Hope you folks are all OK .I have have had my other brother here for a couple of days and have just waved him orf back to silly Suffolk. Brother 2 is out of hospital but still a bit poorly .He's got to go back in six weeks for another mens operation .
He went in for a knee and and got buy one get one free :) He's a bit piddled off to say the least .Piddle being the operative word !
Be very afraid
BTW VinnyGeorge could not have been mended DIY, as his diode broke, not his spring!!!
i expect that was Lampwick Neti I kept telling him to leave George's diode alone wonder his spring was bent :)
I must get on .
This is sheer laziness.I've got a mountain of stuff to do and I can't be bothered with it .
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oh,the diode died netti....psst get yerself to derby quick before robinia use's them fer curtains yo hehe>>>(:O)
hahaha...this thread makes me laugh...everybody pops in, talks to themselves & shuffles off & the next one along talks about something totally unrelated (in a totally different language half the time)

crikey, I thought I'd be able to buy the bloomers in secret, I thought they'd be just the job for a spot of shop lifting...mind you, the rate I'm gathering girth I'll be needing 'em this winter.
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yummy,ive jush had some spanish sherry vinegar mixed with some virgin olive oil and some olives and cypressa mint halloumi cheese fryed with some garlic bread....erm.....bu66er it,im going to have some more>>>>btw kip..i cant taste the mint.(:O)
At last George is back home with his mummy - ahh bless, AND the doctor said George has not been intimate with anyone or thing, certainly not gay, or was that happy???

How many of the Biddies drive? I've just spent an hour on the motorway" which terriffied me, but had pj proby belting out "somewhere" so felt better for that.

Oh Vinny that sounds absolutely delicious - send me some please!!
...oh and the bu$$ers still tried to charge, but luckily I had printed the emails from the top company in Spain so they had to let me go!!

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