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Monet ::Van Gogh:: Renoir.((*_*))

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VINNY100_2 | 12:12 Sun 02nd Dec 2007 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers
Dear ED. could you put some Paintings up on the blank page while we are waiting for it to change.I quite like the Cafe Terrace On The Place Du Forum.(:O)


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yes well that's the first word that I'd think of when telling a man what to do <rolls eyes>
helicopter takes some beating....I nearly fell off my chair
Vinny, can y.....?
no NO...I've changed my mind
Jolly good thinking, Robinia. we're all waiting, Vinny

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You wouldnt get me up in that space station,I like's me feet firmly on terracotta...(:O)
waiting fer what.....?its one of them trick questions..ignor it...(:O)
oh do keep up Vincent
stickman - helicopter - your turn


Let's face it Robinia it's not gonna happen
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eh..! i'll have a beer (:O)
<Sometimes I wonder if Vinny 1) feels sexually harassed on here, and 2) if so, if he minds...!>

Here, Vinny, here's a lullaby for all of us and for you especially, this has been a very tiring evening for you here in biddyland, he he he. If you're still wondering about it... the subservient stick man was doing the helicopter if you asked him to - see...?

Anyway... sleep tight, all

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Wakey Wakey..!
breakfast is ready.
oh i see,i didnt look at the stick-man..erm.When i tried to get on AB my security issued this yo whats ab upto? (:O)
Best Wishes for a speedy recovery to Robinia's and Shaneys' brothers .yes ,it's no fun getting old (er) at times . Let's hope the sun keeps on shining for the rest of your Summer and they can recline in the garden and recuperate .
As you may know it is Winter here and the temperature is reflecting that ,only 5 C this morning but the sun is shining and it goes up to 20C during the day. Flannette nighties and Electric blankets are the order of the day ( or I should say night !) Roll on September 1st the first day of Spring .
I've enjoyed reading all the goings on but Vinny seems to be keeping a very low profile these days -anyone scaring him off haha .Time for another cuppa so it's bye for now ,keep well .Dolly
Is anyone going to admit that they have made the stick man do rude things - cos, by heck he's a big lad!!
ha ha - ask it to "go gay" it's so funny!!!!
Ha ha ha Subservient Stick Man is gay - Robinia is not going to like that, is she, Neti! Lots of the things I ask him to do he just turns up with a small spade in his hand so there are things even Stick Man won't do...!

I haven't been getting much knitting done since the laptop came into my life, but I miss making wristwarmers. Howabout you Shaney, are you still at it? Shaney! Shaney?

Vinny is not scared, Dolly, he's just playing hard to get, as men have always done, throughout human hist- ...say what? They haven't? *kit wanders off in great confusion*
g'day all...good to see you Dolly, my bro is a lot better thank you. Vinny's like the tide these days isn't he? One day he's crashing all over the place & the next he's way out on the horizon.
(Kit, in his life I've a feeling that sexual harassment is compulsory)

Well I'm pleased that little thing has amused you all ....who needs the intellectual categories?
admit it neti? too right, they were the first things I asked him to do....heeheeeee

erm, yes sweedie I'm already aware Stickman has an alternative side...unlike some I'm 'cool with it' :o)

neti have you tried "be a SPIDER"!?
(just to scare her off before she starts)
<< neti sits in lotus position (ouch) and chants >> I like spiders, I like spiders I like spiders!!! oouummmm
Mornin' Robinia. It's all right Neti , he obeys "be a cat" as well, so the cat will eat the spider. (I'm a genius.) "Do the tap dance" is my current favourite.
No, "laugh" is...!
yep, that's why prevaricate works....have to admit it took me a while to work that out...I thought he was being an animal & his long tail was erm.....hahahahaha...I'm such a blonde sometimes

hop & drunk are funny
ROFL at "hop"
PS have to admit I never did work it out at all... I didn't even recognize yesterday's prevaricate-cat today when I asked him to "be a cat"... that's the state of my brain!

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Monet ::Van Gogh:: Renoir.((*_*))

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