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Click on the following link and copy paste : file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/AN16DV0-EVAL%20(3).pdf Describe the book cover from the next page. 1) First, identify the information you can read on the...
Here is the back cover : Are they little and green? Do they have two eyes, a nose, a pair of ears and a mouth, just like we have? Professor Archer Shinford was about to know. 10 years ago, Archer had...
My Mum is currently recovering from illness, and she is trying to remember a poem she learned in school.... As far as I can understand her, it may possibly be about a hunt or something involving dogs...
I have a large painting of a flowers in a pot looks likes a oil painting I think its a reproduction but sign by Letterman.I am trying to fined out if it worth anything
Something to the effect that the 'ordinary' Englishman is something of a sleeping tiger so when angered would be a formidable foe.
Not even half remembered. Does anyone know the work?...
We watched this last night. As an atheist of Christian background I was delighted when any Biblical or scientific relevance was abandoned in the first few minutes of the film, so I could sit back and...
Hi guys I have 'catoonised' a pic of a friend and am in the process of using that on a wine glass. However, I am stuck on creating a beige/fawn/flesh tone colour for the face. All the whites and pinks...
Hoping someone could help me with these please.
15 Old family member shouted warning after driving over animal (8)
21 short power cut thank goodness (4)
Anyone read a 'self help' type of book thats actually helped? I have read quiet a few over the years (I read everything) that have been recommended or that ive come across and thought it looked...
I used to know a poem, in which an old countryman, a shepherd possibly, muses on the hereafter, and decides that if he doesn't wake, after death, to his sheep and his dogs and the life he's always...
When we write with reference to the time of day 'p.m.' - [post meridiem] it is in lower case, but if it was used as a title, say of a poem or suchlike, would it qualify for the upper case, viz. 'Post...