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Robinia | 13:58 Thu 04th Mar 2004 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
'When things go wrong, as they sometimes will and life's a struggle - all uphill...' Can anyone tell me the poem please? Not the cheeky version I found on a birthday card ! :-)


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Oooh I say < b> Robinia you've blossomed overnight !
Gorgeous picture Neti .. I always wanted to be blonde but I was dark and mysterious !! Hahaha !

I was reading a magazine this morning and all that sixties stuff is coming back into fashion ..I don't think a psychedelic mini dress would do much for the state of my pins these days though ....they are a bit like Ordnance survey maps .
What beautiful eyes -almond shaped. Yes everyone here is wearing those dresses and I was looking at a top today but it almost came down to the belly button - not a pretty sight!
I've just found this draped over my fir tree ...Hmmm ! Hurriedly stuffs it in jiffy bag and posts it off !
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oh I say - another beauty has entered the room....gorgeous!

you can keep that itty bitty thing shaney I'm now frequenting the alien corridors of Bravissimo...
& I'm just dashing off to have a spray tan, square nails & a complementary brazilian.....I don't normally drink coffee, but hey-ho, it's seems to be my day for freebies....
I may pop into sport on my way back to see if i can bag a footballer....
ciao babes...
we all age in our different ways, neti lig1.jpg
Closer to the truth than you know!!!!
Oh honestly ! You'll have to get your Wunderbra out Neti know the one like mine with those whalebone bits that you lace up !
It's alright for these people with small bazooms .Buying a bra these days is like going on a barrage balloon mission.

Oh noooo Robinia ..not square nails ...pleeeease !
They make my teeth go on edge.
Afternoon Popickers....
lovely pics .. who are they....hehe..!
erm....they cant be robinia's... shaney...I was up the ladder...and hers landed on me head...blimey..I thought one of the Red arrows had bailed out....hahaha...
yo (:O)
I've had to laugh at the thought of all this excessive rummaging into photo boxes in the Biddy Camp as we look for our old photos. Well, I at least, have to rummage, nothing is ever where it should be and nothing is ever labelled.
God evening possums. Those were nice pictures from the States. But jno, I hear she's going berserk over there...

Alright, where's that twig? there she is Robinia, hello, how nice, didn't see you, well now that I have your undiverted attention... To answer your question, by advanced computers I only meant computers that allow me to use for instance Tinypic and sound and souchlike devilry. No web shop alas, what would I sell. i know what you sell in yours you insufferably perfect... person!

god it's just hard to hang out with robinia when she's flaunting her new pvc. Thank you neti for letting me play in your wardrobe, 'fraid it didn't help much though as I could only press one thigh into that red dress of yours. ...and Shaney and Vinny too...jeez... is everybody perfect... let me out of here, I'm panicking!

And what about Jude, tearing the rags off her plumber and telling him to do the lindy hop while the laundry's out to dry. If that don't call for a 'tut'... (I had never really noticed that word before I met you lot so I'm still a bit uncertain as to how it's used, but yes I do believe Jude that your behaviour is quite tuttable.)

I was gonna post some flower piccies, but under the circumstances... Anyways... what are 'blue bags' please? (Bags, Vinny, bags.)
Hiya Kip..
bloomin heck....I havent got a clue what their on about most of the time.....see..they dont speak proper fer a start...tut..!.and most of the time their under the influence..hehe..!>>>>>oh sugar...think somebodys coming>>>>whoosh>>(:O)
Hi Vinny, I've heard that expression "keep it under your hat" - and now I know who coined it...

"souchlike" - why is it so hard to proofread from the preview!?

Better be going. Flower piccies next time around!
ah, what you can't do with blue bags... though I must admit knocking spots off Dalmatians is a new one on me... Kit, I suppose they worked because blue and yellow are complementary colours; so adding blue to the wash meant removing yellow. In fact things then just came out white. 1.htm
Aaaah Blue bags ..those were the days ..good old Recketts Blue ...Omo and Lux Flakes .Do they still make those bars of Sunlight soap ?

Love the titfer Vinny ..whadya mean we don't talk proper .I'll hev yow know oi am very wal spoken 'are in norfook.
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<tangerine, bow-legged woman staggers in>

somebody call me perfick? I think not!
.... and you could have warned me about the brazilian, thanks a bush.....oops..... bunch....I'm wondering if a wet blue bag might take the inflammation down.
I'm not so sure I like this glamour lifestyle after all - I might have to be digitally deflated.....and how am I supposed to.... erm, you know....with these talons?

wit woooo Vincent
<he is so gonna regret that>

as if by magic

Good Mornin peeps....
I just new Id be in the paint shop fer a respray...hahaha..!
erm....Ive got new piccys to play with to....hehe...!
watch this space.....
lets rock
thats what you call proper talk shaney...(:O)
Blimey shaney...
OMO...if I remember correctly...when i was a kid...certain ladys..when their hubbys use to go to work...would put a box of omo in the window,to signal to their men friends."Old-Man-Out."hehe...!..(:o)
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morning tout
well Vinny it might have been omo in the window in Devon but where I lived it was a bunch of dusty plastic flowers from woolies
hehe...remember them?

glad you posted the elvis, it's reminded me what I was looking for on youtube yesterday & drifted into other songs as you do...

my favourite funny song

Thats made me smile you remember the free pic with the 3 white horse's.I think it was from tesco's..when they use to sell everything out of cardboard boxes.There was also a picture with a nude lady or is that my imagination.. laying on a swan..

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