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Robinia | 13:58 Thu 04th Mar 2004 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
'When things go wrong, as they sometimes will and life's a struggle - all uphill...' Can anyone tell me the poem please? Not the cheeky version I found on a birthday card ! :-)


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No idea what I've been doing! Technology are trying to explain it to me.
No idea what I've been doing! Technology are trying to explain it to me.

jno it's blooming hot here now. Have to fill the pool up this weekend.
oh, I've given up filling mine, neti, the ceiling got too misty and the bubble bath is too expensive mming%20pools/Budap%20Gellert%20Indoor%20Pool. jpg
I don't always believe you jno!!
I wish I could help but no idea how to skimp on anything - I have expensive habits.
Bong Bing Calling El Vinny, Robinia y shaney
None of you attended the Biddybank yesterday and I want to know why not? Are you all in good health, have you moved to a private biddy thread? Ve haf ways of making you talk!! I can be on until 16h when daughter gets back from work (yes I said work) She's given up the job of being like Paris Hilton and is working in a Rent-a-car at the airport yippee.
* y * is Spanish for and .
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morning...the vision has cleared enough for me to read a screen (had a megga migraine since Wed a'noon - stupid weather change always does it) glad to see that you & jno have kept the wheels turning

speaking of wheels turning, my son's doing very well & was up as far as Preston (well, almost). Despite the wind & rain & a diet of variations on pasta he's remaining surprising hilarious, mainly at the expense of the various people/villages he's passing through. (I'm following him on his blog/texts and emails) hope they're not following him on the road with big sticks. Oh the joys of modern technology.

Good mornin peeps...and el.netti...!
I would have come on yesterday..but it was raining..
and now it is sunny..
I still cant tell Stork from Butter....~~::(*_*)::~~
I feel as though someone has beaten with me with a big stick and my wheels are slightly wonky .Is there anywhere in the world that has a constant warm dry temperature of about 23 C and it only rains gently and then at night .Don't want much do I !
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well shaney if you ever find a place like that I'm right with you....but I'm not carrying the bags....Vinny will have to do that...
that youtube won't 'go' Vin bit like me & mrs s....I'll try it later :o)
I think what you're probably after is either San Diego or Perth. Or Lima.
Or even Brisbane at the moment!
Hi Dolly how are you doing? It's lovely here at present, although starting to get sweaty. Pool can't be filled until after 21st as Mr N hasn't time to sort out the phbalance - I ask you!!!
does Brisbane have dry heat, Dolly? I remember it as pretty sticky, and with koalas. I remember Perth as much drier heat.
Hi everybody ,hope you are all well .
Brisbane has high humidity in the Summer and yes indeed Perth has a dry heat same as Adelaide but Brisbane has fantastic Autumns ,Winters and Springs . Cooler at night but the days are great ,can't remember when I last wore a coat (oh yes I did last September and October when we were in Manchester !).

I stay in the air -conditioning in Summer here,the heat exhausts me but I am getting on a bit so it's to be expected . Loved it when I was younger,been here 41 years now. Love England but Australia is home for me (except when the Cricket is on and then it's all England )
Enjoyed all the ramblings and the piccies (what a good -looking lot you are ) Bye for now xxx
My eldest brother lives up the road from Perth in York but he tells me it gets Bl**ding Hot ...his words not mine ....and they haven't had any rain for yonks ! Strike Perth off the list Robinia .Lima doesn't appeal to me but San Diego Mmmm ...I can just see Robinia and I bowling along the boulevards in our sarongs ...with Vinny running behind with the luggage .
Good morning- ...or evening. I'm confused. Spent the better part of yesterday praying to the Porcelain Gods and making the occasional sacrifice too, and if you don't know what that means... it involves kneeling on the bathroom floor. Amongst other things, I suffer from the kind of excruciating headaches that make me sick to the stomach. Finally went to sleep and woke up again just as it was getting dark - scary feeling. On the bright side, I don't get these headaches as often anymore. Don't know if it's the weather change in my case, Robinia, I haven't really thought about it that way - could be, 'cause we've had one too.

i just knew i'd seen that hat before... Oh Vinny, if you thought it was the brussel sprouts you'd never hear the end of - think again!

our helsinki troops doing two cut up songs, Absolutely no Decorum & Little Dysfunk You. The lead singer Ola Salo's father is a minister and Salo says their respective walks of life aren't really all that different: They both dress up funny in order to preach to people, ha ha. He's a very nice boy, Ola Salo, very wise. Are you still in our Green Room, Neti?

Well, good luck for tomorrow night then, Britain. you'll n- ...nnnot go wrong with that song (Actually, I don't understand the ESC anymore - do you?)

Looking forward to seeing your pictures, Jude!

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