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Robinia | 13:58 Thu 04th Mar 2004 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
'When things go wrong, as they sometimes will and life's a struggle - all uphill...' Can anyone tell me the poem please? Not the cheeky version I found on a birthday card ! :-)


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I've just noted I have repeated myself sorry... it's an age thing....!! :o)
Hahaha .. Did you think I would pass on a chs Q Robinia !! I've been hanging around all day in there waiting for that ! You can keep Feta ....Cheddars better !
excellent rhyme, shaney, did you write it?
All my own work ...!
Nearly as good as Vidal Sassoon ! Which creased me up !!
I know - as war poets go he's right up there with John Frieda and Trevor Sorbet... anyway, I suggest you copyright your poem immediately and offer it to the cheese people as a slogan
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good moaning...wild & windy here....

for the benefit of the audience...
there in Q&P - a cheese question left unanswered for 2 whole mins...I knew the answer...did I beat mrs s?......<blows raspberry at shaney>

Yes, Jude 'twas I in days gone by...I was looking through pics as you do when another birthday clocks up. The worst thing is showing the wee ones, saying "Look, that was me..." and they give you the look that says "Yeh, right..."

Vidal? I'm sure he's scribbled an ode or two...hahaha

Hair today, gone tomorrow
Does your coiffeur cause you sorrow?
Worry no more, for quick as a wink...
The Biddies will sort it...and give you a Twink.

Hahaha ..that has made me "laugh out loud" ! Trevor Sorbet ! In spite of the fact that I have a pounding headache and it looks as black your hat out there .
Do you remember Teddy Tinling and his tennis gear ?

Pay no attention to them Robinia you haven't changed a bit !
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I wish shaney

yes, that made me giggle too. Mind you, we never call anyone by their correct name anyway...celeb or otherwise. I've nearly slipped up a time or two when I've been chatting.

just going to take some paracetamols myself for a headache...I think it's this awful blustery wind doing things to the air pressure and all the pollen flying around too
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oh lordy, there's a gap on the washing line....
shaney if it comes your way please parcel it up in a plain brown wrapper, ('specially if it's the red one) & mark it 'Ribena, Derby'. :o)
queen's meeting a lot of war brides in Washington this afternoon, don't know if any biddies are among them... I am assured Laura Bush serves up the most amazing petit fours, tiny bits of melon the size of 50p pieces, carved to resemble bowls of fruit, and apparently very tasty...

Please eat this message when you have read and memorised it.
This was me (in red) with my older sister after she won Miss Tres Torres in 1972 - she went on to win Miss Ibiza, and Miss Elegance . She was 32yrs and I was28yrs!
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not sure I can do that jno, what with my irritable vowel syndrome

wow! fabulous nets! - bazoom nets.... haha
might have known you'd be showing 'em off.... tut...
I knew I should have digitally enhanced my pic....
woohoo, what a vision in pink fishnet! Are all your family in the Balearics, neti?
No, �3 brothers in Oz, Canada, Finland and 3 sisters and 2 Brothers in Blighty (that's including my adopted ones) Oh and there's me in Spain. Mum, younger bro and sister used to live here in the 70's.
ah, the magic of photoshop, Robinia...
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hahahahaha - I can't stop laughing
for the first & probably last time I'm voluptuous - eat ya heart out fishneti!

that's fantastic jno - no pain, no anaesthetic.....and no bill!
can't wait until my sister sees those....
better still, I'll send a copy to my's what you could have had, if you hadn't spent so much....
Brilliant jno but why do they stick out sidewards - mine, of course are perfick!
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who cares which way they're facing...please allow me to revel in my moment of glories....
Those, Robinia are gonna hurt going through doorways! hahaha - the mere thought!!

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