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If someone was an occasional binge drinker, for example only drinking on one night every fortnight or month or so, but drinking a lot on those nights, for around 4 years or so, would the liver be able...
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I used to use a product called Oriflame Colour correction. It was yellow a covered my red face ( the green stuff does not work for me) anyway they has stopped selling this and wondered if anyone knows...
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I dont eat any fish so can anyone give any ideas as to which supplements I should take, which are good brands and where is the cheapest place to buy? Many Thanks
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Not sure what category to put this in really so hope somebody can help here! I recently moved to house which is over 100 years old. I live on my own with my 6 yr old son. When he's in bed at night I...
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Ok.....i personally hate the bloody things...and think they look vile!!! Problem is.... i have one on my chin. Yes u heard me correctly... my chin..... Me and my boyfriend were messing about...
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x sparkle x
hey people, i need your advice! basically my mum has let my bf move in for the last 4 months as he had nowhere else to go. it was fine til recently but now he only comes home to eat, shower and sleep....
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my partner only wants sex once every two or three wks if im lucky & its always me that comes on to him! are there many men out there like this
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Does anyone enjoy going to work, or do you really really hate your job, or the people you work with? And what jobs do ABers do? I do secretarial work, and as a temp I move about to different offices,...
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I'm not really sure which section this should be in, but how many of you younger AB-ers (say, 30 and under) can sew and knit? Have these skills totally died out?
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ermintrude35 it wrong for me to hate* my mother?...I have finally realised after 37 years that she really isn't a very nice person.... *..I know hate is a very stong word, and I do not use it lightly....
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Hi everyone, I was wondering why I am fine throughout the day and night yet when I wake up either during the night or in a morning I have a "sneezing fit" and a runny nose for about half an hour? I...
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how many of you sit at the table to have food with the family at meal times. or are you a tray on lap person and watch tv.??
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hi has anybody ever taken appitite suppresants called tenuate or phentermine and maby got a addiction to them? also can they make you depressed and irritable etc. cud really do with sum advice. thanks...
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i am so :-( i had my tooth extracted (lower tooth 2nd to back and a big double tooth) extracted on Wednesday - due to infection after infection. Anyway i am soooo down every time i look at the hole i...
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There have been many articles recently about the proposed re-introduction of thalidomide to treat some conditions (I forget which, as noone has proposed to offer it to pregnant women, of course). It...
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If you do want to smoke but you simply dont want your teeth to get yellow, or too yellow, what brand of cigarettes is the less damaging to the teeth colour?
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I notice how much I need to stretch during the day, when I do, my bones make cracking noises but afterwards I feel much better. My cat constantly stretches too. Why is this necessary?
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Tonight I know that I will be rather the worse for wear - in fact I am leaving very soon to make my way to the big smoke! I gave up smoking in January, and have only had I think 2 (both when drunk)...
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i wanna curl my hair tomor for a party im going i usually ask a mate to help me do the back. now she cant help me any ideas hoe i can do it alone?
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just had a phonecall about an hour ago telling me im going to a party now i need a new top does anyone no if they have any nice tops in george asda as thats the only place i will have chance to go to...

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