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Welcome to Body & Soul: for Health, Healing and Help!

Disclaimer: Information here is only advice from other members and must not be taken as professional guidance.

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Grumpies need not respond lmao..... It's Friday folks, so what has made you happy so far today, and what are you looking forward to over the weekend??
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How many people have had questions banned? I've had some and usually i can't figure out why? I had one that just asked if i could go to bed banned once. Although, i'd ban that one if i wasn't drunk....
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My partner has suggested a few times now that I use a face cream every night before going to bed, I understand that it is becoming a more popular thing for men to use. I am defiant that real men do...
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ive got a scratch on my face and now its got a scab on it. How can I make sure it doesn't leave a mark? Thanks
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I'm rapidly approaching 29 and just for fun wondered if anyone had any thoughts on things you should have done by the time you're 30 - then I've got a year to get any good ones in. Thanks.
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Which famous person do you think has the nicest/worst haircuts? I like Posh's new style, I saw the first imitation yesterday in town. I hate Adam from Corrie's haircut.
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Where is the best place to get cheap vodka from? I am planning my night out now.... need alcohol to drink to prepare! Any suggestions?
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before drinking alchol they tell u to drink a glass of milk to put a lining in your stomach, is there anything else that does this as i dont drink milk!> ? thanks guys and yippeee its...
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To anyone who was party to my drunken gibberish last night... i apologise if i said anything to offend, was obnoxious or just plain unpleasant. But a big special morning after cuddle to Pippsicle,...
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What is the most romantic thing you've ever done for your girlfriend/boyfriend?
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What's your tried and tested favourite?
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I've had too much to drikn and now my head hurts... will i regret this inn the morning? HOw do i feel super fine by the time i wake up?Havei made a fool fo myslef? (whidffey pleas edont answer)
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today i treated myself to a trip to quite a fancy salon to get my hair cut rather than the cheap random ones i normally go to. i had quite a drastic change from very long hair to a bob. the woman who...
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I have moved to Essex from Oxfordshire and I have to say, I can't believe how rude some of the girls are here. They will shut a door in your face, virtually push you out the way to get past and just...
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i havent been able to go to the toilet for nearlly a week and a half!! i got some tablets to help but nothing happend at all! i feel really bloated and my belly is really pumped up! its not painfull...
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thanks for all ur brilliant advice in my last post ....signed for the damage to the car last night now mechanic is able to go and fix it....but didn't do anything about the physical side of the...
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If a man fancies lady-boys does that make him gay or bi-sexual?
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I am really interested in this, both in cyberland and in real life. If you are impersonated, is it because you are popular and envied and the impersonator wishes to grab a small share of your sunlight...
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I Live in West London and I need help with anger management. I have asked the doctor but only offered my prozac, where could I get counciling from? Would I have to pay?
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Hi i have been bitten by a mosquito twice, one on each leg and have had a severe allergic reaction to it. I have been to the doctors today and they put a dressing on them with something to get rid of...

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