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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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The New forest is pretty good in places for stars but yes the cities are bright and the docks in southampton glow all night, as does the refinery at Fawley.
Morning all. Pretty darkish here at night except for the one street light on the new bypass which shines higher than my trees and comes into my bedroom, which is why I shut the shutters tightly.

Hija is out yet again partying, work tonight at 6pm, I don't mind that run too much as it's sunny.

Really must start spring cleaning the house for sisters arrivals, well I'll start to think about it, that's the first step.
I do hope they find that poor little April safe and sound!! She has such a sweet and innocent face.
Morning all...well it's quite bright at the moment...but it is daytime :) It's light at night too...there's streetlight opposite my bedroom and I'm increasingly surrounded by newcomers with families who seem to leave lights on all night. Do little uns no longer sleep in the dark?

Went to Tarquins & partner's house yesterday...oh lawdy, huge (old) rambling place and not only a big rambling garden but it's on a slope! eek! And, what do you know, I learned something...apparently gardening is hard work and it's easier to go to work. falls backwards .....hahahaha. Welcome to gardener's world son...he only had a small courtyard garden before.

Must shuffle out before the deluge they've forecast comes this way.
going to have a little sprinkle of rain this afternoon, about the time I leave the house, but I shall cope.
Lol at Tarquin and gardening. Shughy legged it after a scent this morning which is not unusual but the he lost me and I could see and hear him haring round in the dark, stopping to listen for my whistle, then haring off in the wrong direction again.....idiot. He's a weary boy today.
Morning All,

LOL about Tarquin Robi, but the house sounds really nice. Is it fairly near to you - you can go and lend a hand!!! (joking of course ;o) )

I have seriously gone off AB, except for Biddies, of course.
there's a lot of moaning out there, isn't there? That's coz the Olympics are over and everyone has a lot of pessimism to catch up on.
It's fine if you drive Lottie but not close enough for me. You really need a car to live there. I did pull a weed out for him and recommended lots of shrubs...I'm good at supervising. They make you laugh these sons/daughters. I remember only three weeks after Ozzy (who, of course, knew everything) first left home he was telling me about the cost of living and 'all of these bills' you

I know what you mean, this ole place just doesn't have the same appeal. It was one of the reasons I had break recently.
What makes me smile though is that we have got to the stage where a (comparative) newbie says "this place is going to the dogs, you'll see, all the good people will leave and then AB will collapse"
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Hi all
Was bright ,dull now
Hope you are all OK though .
Oh yes ...
They wonder what's happened when the bills come through the door !
Then they ring up and tell you all about it .Lol.
My nephew has a garden that slopes Robinia . It's a bit of a jungle atm .
I asked him how on earth he was going to mow it and he said he was going to get a goat ...silly b .Though knowing him ......

Oh yes lots of grumpies lately and people on high horses ....haha....
Perhaps we ought to write a poem :-O)
Oh haver started on my whizzing thro the house, but such a little has taken so long, I've damp wiped the walls, washed my curtains and put removable parts of the cooker into the dishwasher, done loads of washing, hoovered and mopped, had two saucepans burnt soaking in hth yard for weeks, was going to chuck thm but have persevered and scrubbed them spotless. sweating like the proverbial, off for shower and cuppa, then to make liver, bacon, onions toms etc for Mr N's dinner. Think hija is going straight to work!
Out land slopes which is good when we empty the pool , we have to either wait for the rain, or we let it out in dribs and drabs otherwise it floods the neighbours.
I am wizzed......I don't damp wipe the walls or wash the curtains though....actually two of my curtain poles are falling off the wall so I have to be really careful atm. My nice man what does is coming at the end of the month and they are on his list.
Quite a lot of shelves with various bits and bobs, and some with jars on in kitchen which all need clearing and wiping. My fireside companion set (is that what you call them!) was very dull but the duraglit had exploded out of it's tin, so remembering years ago, I used hydrocloric acid on them and they are bright and shining and the right colour of brass and copper. I did remember to put them on a plastic tray first else the kitchen would have melted by now!!! Oh what it is to be a housewife on this island!!!
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Poor old Neti
Sweaty Betty
Slogging round and wiping down
Washing curtains ,cleaning cupboards
All this work will bring you down .
Put your feet up have a rest
And discard that sweaty vest .
Sit a while with tea ,and tarry
Listen to a bit of Barry !
Oh, the resident poet has abandoned her sewing machine! Brilliant shaney!!!
Lol Shaney great verse.
Hi All Just caught up with posts. Since we have had new street lights there is one that has been put at the side of my back garden and it lights it up all ngiht. I could have a party at night outside and not have to provide lighting. In the late Summer evening of course.
Hope youve all had a good day. I was at the hospital from 8.45. am to 12.15 pm. Physiotherapy class for an hour then another one to one with the therapist. What a palarver, I have to go again on Friday then I have a bone scan after that - just routine, like they do. I've found out that once they get you they don't let you go...ever!!!!
I'm going to say oight oight now cos I forgot last night and I'm really tired as I was awake a 4.30 this morning and didn't get back to sleep and was up at 6.00.
So cloosing down and see yer later 'gater(s) have a good night all of you.
Hi jude, oight oight jude! It's very tiring all this physio, take care. x
real quick pop in, Sis is here we have eaten too much dinner and talked ourselves hoarse. Love the pome...will catch up tomorrow...oight oight all

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