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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Have a lovely time with your sister Woofy.

And now it's time to go to bed
And rest my very weary head
I'll read my book ,turn out the loight
and wish you all a good Oight Oight .
Good morning Biddy friends.

Is there no stopping her ^^
Morning all..oooh it's chilly, but bright 'n sunny. I wasn't chilly in the night, I woke up with the mother of all night sweats, grrrrr. It's not often I have one that bad...luckily I didn't need to do a sheet job, my pj's were absorbent so I just ripped them off and slept (not very well) as I was....ooh, I say!

My old neighbour who had a stroke and went into a home earlier this year has passed away. It's a relief for her family I think, and a release for her, she never showed any sign of recovery...she was very independant and would have hated being like that, we all would. I miss her and it's sad looking at her garden as the flowers fade.

Jude I hear so many people say they'd never been near a hospital and suddenly it's a second home!...hope they're doing the trick for you, I'm sure they are.

No neti, now shaney's on a roll it'll be like living in Nutwood, life in verse until we fall into this year's grotto...if we have one??

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.

I'm good aren't I? :o)
Oh crikey, I had better start composing before decomposing!!
Oh dear do I have to speak in Rhyme

There was an old woman called Lottie
who often felt terribly grotty
She went to the doc who gave her a shock
when he said that he found her quite potty!

I am cold. It is very sunny, but the wind is, shall we say, bracing.............
Mr LL has gone out to lunch so I can dine on what I please.
Hi All. I'm not even going to try and keep up with the 'Biddyrhymers' as I'm hopeless at it. I wish I coul do it. Your Limerick is funny Lottie.
I've been out this morning and it is fresh and very chilly I even had to go back in and change to a warmer coat. I'm sure summer is over now for us.
I've had a nice surprise, EDf have told me I'm over £100 in credit after paying up to date so I've requested a refund. Also my water meter account is in credit too but only by £18 so I'm keeping my eye on that.
Have a lovely time with your sister Woofy. Robi I hope you feel ok today after your disturbed night.
Off now to sort out some lunch - Laters 'gaters.
Had a bit of a sunbathe and then a (very quick) dip in the pool, it was freezing but nice!

Zumba has finished for a while as there were not enough people to make it work while, maybe in the winter. She is taking normal calsses in a dance studio but they are charging 10€ for a one off lesson to see if I like it, well I don't like that price so am not going! Will miss it!!!

Older sister just phoned to tell me that her son's cancerous tumour has completely disappeared, he is back at work part-time, and still gets very tired, but it's all good!
Question Author
Hi all
Lovely day here ,bright and breezy and have taken a leaf out of Neti's book and cleaned the front windows inside and put the heavier curtains up for the winter, am now kernackered ...
Hope you are all Ok ...
Sorry to hear about your neighbour Robinia and that's great news Neti .
Good pomes ,keep up the good work :)
So Happy for you Neti. What a relief for you all!
having a lot of trouble with internet.

Jude can't find your email so can I just say thank you for wishing Dave (FB) well for his sister. He is that one n the motorbike photo that I was engaged to when we were 18yr. Ever such a nice chap. You are sweet, thank you. Hope she survives!
this is driving me mad today, internet keeps coming going. No idea what is happening!
That's ok Neti. Cancer is an awful illness.

I'm off now to listen to The Rams playing in Middlesborough. Oight Oight everone. See you tomrrow.
Hello all, bit of a busy day. Sis and I went shopping to a local waitrose that has a boots pharmacy in it, I popped in to get some plasters and saw they were doing flu jabs and could do mine then and there....went to tell Sis who is entitled to a NHS one but couldn't get an appointment, so we both got done. Its made me a bit spacey but otherwise fin, quite nice really i bet i sleep well.
Yaya for your nephew Neti and bigups to the poetesssessss, that's one of my favourites. Sorry to hear about your neighbour Robi. Oight oight all.
Morning all, no zumba :0(

Bright sunny day, dentist check-up at 11.30! :0(

Hope you are all bright and beautiful :0)
Am lolling in bed with the sun and a light breeze wafting through and the smell of freshly mown lawn, it's lovely BUT there are no lawns anywhere near! Hmmm strange!!!
Back from dentists, need one filling, a clean (how very dare she!) and a bridge wire type thing at the back of my 4 front top teeth to keep them from moving, all for 85€ not bad!

Did a bit of zumba to Move like jagger while waiting for next app cos I suddenly remembered how to do it! She patted my head again!!
better make a start on my shelves I suppose as the house is empty, (one cockroach and I'm out for the day!!)
runs in and slams the door....
Help! tell me it's not true, it's national poetry day.... :)

A'noon all...bright and breezy day here, just doing odds and ends.
That's fantastic news neti...for every bit of bad news there's some good. Well done at the dentist, good luck for your next app.
shelves all done, well not the kitchen ones yet.

Where is everyone today? Yes I know woofy is busy with sis but the rest of yous???

Off to make a meat pie!

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