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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
okay shaney, I'm just looking for 'warm, sunny, 3 minutes from handbag stores....'
The dogs were fidgetty tonight so we went for a drive to look at the sea and home past the chippy. It teemed with rain but the chips were lovely.
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Anywhere warm and sunny will do nicely Robinia .....shall we take our knitting
Chips from the chippy are something you just have to have at times Woofy .
Just settled down with crossies earlier and in walked Picky .He took me to buy a new ironing board and and we took the stuff to the charity shop .So I bought a chicken and cooked a roast .He's just gone and I'm now in I'mpoopedwannagotobed mode.
It was a lovely day here after all ,no rain but much cooler and very breezy .
Oight Oight all ,sleep toight .
got right parky out Essex way, just as well I had a fleece and a warm jacket (as BBQs have to be held outdoors). I have eaten enough for three. Lots of travel chat, which I love listening to, as this bunch roam the world for work and play (apparently there's a great restaurant in Grand Central Station in NY, which OH had been to but not told me about, tch tch) and do you remember those old times in Kandahar?
good morning all. We have been out in the fog and are about to go back to sleep.
stumbles groggily into the light

This sun can't last... but it looks pretty out there at the moment
we have had heavy rain here and Shughy hasn't panicked. This is massive progress.
Good morning Biddyfriends. On my way home today. Will catch up later. Hope you're all well. See yer later.x
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Hello all
It was lovely and sunny but clouded up now .Hope you're all ok .Nothing much doing here .Had a bit of a disturbed night with Mr S feeling unwell.
He had a griping tum so I force fed him with Gaviscon .I don't think a big meal agrees with him these days especially runner beans .I 'm wondering if he's got IBS although with only a shorter part left of his bowels I can't see it myself .I'll monitor the situation .
In my professional experience, Shaney, people with a shortened digestive system don't do well with large amounts of fibre, or, often, large amounts of anything. Folks who have had the bariatric ops have the same issues. Peppermint helps, especially taken hot. Peppermint tea is good if he will drink it.
Afternoon all. Wedding was fine but not the type of people we are used to celebrating with, rough doesn't come near! Still had a good time.

Just been boot saleing, got camera, lots if cheap earrings, various odds and bobs. Home now as tired.
Sunny and chilly.
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Thanks Woofy .He usually eats little and often but I think his eyes were bigger than his belly yesterday .He does love a roast dinner .
I've got peppermint tea and also the capsules so I'll suggest he takes that.
He must be feeling ropey as he's only had a slice of toast and a boiled egg so far today .
It was a thick slice though with loads of butter :)
He's always hungry as his food goes through him so quickly .
I did a reply and it vanished. I said how irritating it must be to stick to a regime like that. MY Mum used to get do fed up with here diabetes foe that reason.
Bit boring on a Sunday! I want egg n chips, sister insists on salad. :0(

Think bro Ronnie may be on antique road show again tonight.
Morning all....I had nowt to say yesterday, so I said nowt. :)

Not much positivity today either....Joggers, socks, wooly vest, fleece, body warmer...considering running the heating through. This isn't good is it? And to add more misery it's going to rain and it's mowing day. Oh booger.

Yes neti, that's Sunday tea in England, a nice ham salad and tinned peaches with evap for afters followed by Sunday night at the London Palladium. Hope you had a bath with some nice gritty lavender cubes.

Hope you're all ok..especially Mr S, maybe the change in the weather's got to him too shaney?
Good morning all , wintry here!

Hope Mr s is feeling better, can't be much fun!

Off shopping for essentials for my freight box to Ibiza. Think I am starting a cold!!!

We actually had prawn cocktails for dinner, very 70's but very nice. 2 glasses of wine and then nibble through the evening. Aww I was Sunday night at the Palladium was still on!No bro Ronnie last night!

Hope you are all well and happy ish.
Oh Robi, the memories. We used to have salmon salad with cold new potatoes and a ton of salad cream, then tinned fruit salad and Walls Neapolitan ice cream. On really posh occasions there would be Kunzle cakes as well.

Shughy slept through heavy rain again last night. I know I harp on but its quite worrying to see his anxieties getting worse so lovely to see him getting back to normal.
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Morning all
Bright and sunny but so much cooler than of late .Hope you are all ok .I hovered by the thermostat last night as I sat down to watch the teevee.But I got my blankie out instead.
Mr S went off to bed early and he says he aches all over today .Perhaps he's caught a chill.I'll be keeping my beady eye on him .
Ah yes Sunday tea. We used to have similar,some sort of salad and tinned fruit with tinned Nestles cream which you had to shake really hard before opening .

Pleased your woofer is feeling better Woofy .Give him a pat from me .
I'd better go and get a few things in the shops and go to the library .Pip Pip for now .
ooh it was nippy last night, we woke up but couldn't find blankets in the dark so sprayed pashminas and dressing gowns all over the bed. Then of course I woke up early all too hot and with a headache. What I want is for a steady 75 degrees and the sound of the sea rolling in in the background, plus a dawn chorus of birds to wake me about 9am with a couple of slices of buttered toast.
spray on pashmina jno, another fashion first!!! Its pleasantly autumnal here. I am digesting lunch before doing final bits of clear up and going to pick sis up. We are going out to dinner tomorrow night with my friend down the road to celebrate my 60th.Only a local Italian but rather a good one.

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