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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 15:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
10:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
I got 143 on the pinata (and a lot much lower) but it's gone now.

However, if you want to relive your youth, here's how Google looked when it started (apologies if this also vanishes by morning)

Ah, the dear old 20th century.
Good morning, oh am missing the piñata, was getting addicted!!

Google is boring today!

Slightly overcast and cloudy here today. Mr N has gone to a golfing tournament, so no cooking for me tonight as he will have been fed.

Hope you are all OK and feeling better in the extremities and elsewhere.

Lottie if you are looking in, hope you are well and happy.
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Morning all
Another lovely sunny day . Hope you're all Ok .
Quite a while ago the bowl in the downstairs lav cracked .It's ancient anyway so we bought a new one .This has been in the shed ever since .Today, Picky is coming to put it in .I'm not looking forward to this .It's going to involve lots of huffen and puffen .
Pip Pip for now .
Good morning, been out, extremities much better and dogs happy.
Neti, try Odd socks on FB for something stupid and addictive.
I live the Wayback machine, such a clever idea.
Morning all...bright one here too but a tad fresh.
Yes I gave the piñata a good thwacking yesterday... not as satisfying as walloping another biddy but close :) ducks

Oooh, a noo loo shaney? Are you dancing around with your legs crossed? Hang on, emergency relief is on it's way!

Odd socks? Ozzy's left an odd sock behind, I found it under the dressing table, haha, nothing's changed there. I'll tell him he has to collect it in person :)
Robi, maybe he left it on purpose?
Shaney have an amusing day ha ha...have you got the whiskey in?
Big waves and good wishes to all the biddies
well, that's an enigmatic link, thanks, Robinia, what can I say?
hrrrmph! It was vacant when I posted, there must be a run on's ok, I've got a whole fleet of 'em
Ha ha Robi, a poo with a view!
When I was away hija bought a new phone of tinternet, she couldn't get to grips with it at all, she really should ask me, so I have sold it on internet. Not a bad day's work. Now I'm holding the dinero until she needs something. She is using my Huawei ascend the new one!
We actually had a poo with a view in the carnival this year with a fat chap sitting on it with false legs and his real legs down the can shuffling along, very good it was too.
haha, is that a high speed vinda-loo?
Hi All I've read all your posts and had a laugh but I really have to go now. I'm off out to my nephew's family get together for his birthday which was last week. His mum is Serbian and they always have a family 'do' so the oldies can go and see him. Will catch up tomorrow when I'm going to have a really lazy day :-) Laters 'gaters
Laughung at Anton DuBeke's comment "Who knew this show went on till Christmas?"
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What a palaver ! I think I've missed my vocation in life and should have trained to be a plumbers mate .
"Pass me this ,pass me that ,can you just hold this ,can you put the kettle on"
Lol... at least we now have lav but need to buy a seat and the floor will need a rethink as the bottom bit is a different shape .He took all the old crip to the dump as well and I'm very grateful ,bless him.
I love the mobile one ..haha.....perhaps that would have been a better option.I could have stuck it out on the patio .
Hope you've all had a nice day .The weather here was lovely .
Well I'm pooped ,pardon the pun so it's Oight Oight ,sleep toight.
don't watch Strictly but OH was in the audience last night - a friend had two tickets. Apparently they agree they had a better lot of dancers than tonight's programme, so that's nice.

Dreading going to bed - I was okay last night until I lay down then I was coughing and spluttering for hours, don't know why, the cold's been pretty much okay in daytime when I'm vertical. If that happens again I'll have to try sleeping in the armchair. OH has delicately popped off to sleep in the spare room.
Morning all.
Poor jno, that night cough is a beggar isn't it. I swear by Buttercup, it sorted me out and I didn't, for once, get bronchitis.

I watched strictly, I thought Deborah Meaden had lovely legs, I couldn't believe how slim and shapely they were.
as before, phlegming away, asleep at 3, awake at 7. I feel a siesta coming on in another few hours :-(
Defo a siesta for moi later after a bottle of wine and a paella lunch, the village will be ringing with zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's

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