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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 15:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
10:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
Open another bottle jno!!
I have a little Jack Daniels to hand tonight, but I am going to have it post-prandially.

If I can hold out.
bleurgh JD...can't stand the smell of sourmash. Joint aches have subsided, I think they were real as my arm is hot, red and swollen where the injection went in. Anyway much better so out in the morning, I couldn't have held a pulling dog today. Its still way better than the flu.
Its blooming hot here. I had a salad for dinner and white wine with ice in, its more like august than october.
Tortoises are still pottering around outside which is late for them.
Did you hold out jno?
Oight oight all
er, no.

Never mind, that's all of it. I've found a little bottle of Calvados for tomorrow.
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It was very warm here too Woofy .The rain didn't arrive although it kept clouding up and I had to keep an eye on the washing but got it all dry.
No wonder you have a sore eye Jno's all that squinting into those little bottles of hooch :) I hope it soon clears up for you .
I'm orf to bed as it's early doors for the market in the morning .I won't be buying any runner beans though !
Oight Oight ,sleep toight .

deary me, is Halloween on the way again?
don't think I have ever tried calvados...
we went out this morning and dogs are all happy again bless them. I think its going to be a gardening day today.
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Morning all
Looks as if it's going to be a nice day .Hope you're all ok .
Lol Jno's one way to get a free meal ..haha.
I'd better shift myself and get ready ...pip pip for now .
Morning all. Hija's alst day at work, closing next week for the end of season, and Mr N hasa gone to another golf competition in memory of yet another dead golfer. Honestly there are more dead ones than live ones!!

Still rather warmish here, have ceiling fan whirling away all night.

Glad you are feeling better woofy.

Hope Jude is feeling more settled, and Robi is OK too. Shaney is off early yet again and as for jno, well she doubtless has a hangover tut tut!!
Morning jno, spare ribs with that?

Crip night (almost literally), had a touch of the collywobbles but thankfully it didn't come to anything drastic...unless you count enough wind to fly an airship. Sorry, tmi? It's either this bug going about or it could be cake, tut. I've been working my way through a slab of cherry madeira and I've had an idea before that it irritates my insides. Being sensitive to broccoli I can handle cos I hate it...but cake?!

Hope the rest of you are wide eyed but not legless...I think it's going to be good weather
my usual 6 hours' sleep but as I am doing nothing much during the day, that's usually enough. What I did do yesterday was get an Amazon special offer to scan photo prints onto DVDs, so I managed to pack up 750 of them and mail them off. That's probably only about one in 10, but it's something and it willl save space on my shelves (as long as they do it properly so I can jettison the originals).

I've done some myself over the years, but it takes ages and I'm never sure I'm doing it right, so I thought I'd leave it to the pros.

And here is my latest, a subtly coloured and nuanced study of a display of porcelain fruit in Sorrento
that's lovely jno, its sort of like one of those MC Escher drawings but in colour
Oh Robi cherry madeira, never ever give up on it, I love it.

Been busy today, had to meet a friend who is off to St Petersburg and she wants to know what it's like, well it's going to be jolly fresh there, wish I was going!!!

Then I had to nip in the car to the next village of San Carlos (I do have an exotic life don't I?) to buy a black venetian blind for when I do the new bedroom, obviously has to be hidden from Mr N for a while. But of course, it is Las Dalias market day (lovely market reminiscent of the 1970's) so had to crawl along for a few kilometers and then foot down again. I'm amazed how one doesn't forget how to drive, I do it so rarelythese days.

Anyone heard from lottie, is she OK, I always feel that I have offended missing members in some way!!
Having made Mr N sort out and dump most his his paperwork (bills going back to 2008) am now fed up with having them all in a couple of bags on the porch, so have gone through one bag and torn up all relevent info i.d. nos etc, and put them all into soak with detergent and bleach, so tomorrow will scrunch it all up and get rid. There's still another bag waiting to be done. All the envelopes which have no info on them at all ahve been put in the paper recycling bag!
I wish he would buy a shredder, but they are expensive here and I toy with the idea of shipping one over but they are rather heavy.
Don't worry neti, I always feel that I have offended present members in some way! :)

That's lovely jno, I like fruit art/ceramics. I've got a plate of oranges that says made in Italy, it's old but I doubt it's worth a fortune....bit like me.

Baby moonbeam has been to visit in his spidey man onesie and his Elmo muppet slippers...haha, he spotted them and spent about 10 mins lifting his legs up trying to work out what happened to the end of his legs, bless.

And now the gardener's busy cutting the hedges, 'spect he'll want paying, tut. Hope the new lotto means new luck tonight.
I don't know if you're having to shred whole books, neti, but if not there are plenty of cheap lightweight ones;ff14=83
Thank you jno, but using that would take a lifetime, it's so small.

Where's our Jude, I want to ask how long it takes for the paper to get mushed up so nothing is readable, mine is now slimy and mushy but everything is still legible!!
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That's a beautiful picture Jno .Very summery and lovely colours ,unlike here where it's as dull as ditchwater after a fine start.
Got all my goodies at the market including a bag of Robin pears which I love .
I hope they love me :)
I bet Moondust looked really cute ,bless.
It all happens here ....

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