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Starting radiotherapy tomorrow.

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deanna | 23:30 Wed 29th Feb 2012 | Health & Fitness
96 Answers
Hi. I have metaplastic carcinoma and am about to embark of radiotherapy tomorrow. I had a lumpectomy in November. Is there anyone out there who has also been given radiotherapy for this cancer, if so, how did you get on? I am wondering if it will help me.
Any info. greatly appreciated.
From a slightly apprehensive


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Deanna now you know what to expect each day will become easier, take very good care and keep us updated ((HUG)) ♥
17:40 Thu 01st Mar 2012
I have no experience of radiotherapy, but have just finished 12 cycles of chemo,i wont go any further but you have my heartfelt sympathy and may i wish you good luck.
my lovely husband had cancer 10 years ago, we were both so devasated by this!.......he had the op and treatment, and he's still with me, and working full time in the job that he loves!.........and so it's worth having the treatment!.......
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I was very sorry to hear that your mum has had to endure this problem and am glad that she is doing ok. Your comments have been really helpful as have all the ones from everyone getting in touch just now. I didn't realize how kind people I have never met could be and it is most humbling.
Big grateful hugs to you all. dx
Deanna, I totally understand your thinking, will this help, is it worth it etc.?? Plus it stretches ahead of you like another trial. However in truth the more mopping up that can be done is the best way to give you the best result, make sure you get lots of rest when you can to ease the tiredness and I send my love and ((HUGS))
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Thank you for your message owdhamer.
I do hope the chemo. has done the trick and the symptoms haven't been too bad.

Bless you for you kind wishes mamyalynne.

welshlibranr - i nursed both my dear mother and my beloved husband with cancer and lost them both. I am a good nurse, but a dreadful patient! :)
Oh bless you deanna, you've had it hard, but you need to get through this for you! is precious!........
deanna the chemo has done the trick the afters less said
deanna, bless you, thank you x
it was the worst ever feeling/time when my dear ol mum was diagnosed in march, so i know what you're all going through right now.
you'll be fine tomorrow, i promise you, and those 4 weeks will soon pass.
we were expecting unpleasant side effect when mum was having her radiotherapy, but she was absolutely fine, we were surprised.
it's not painful or uncomfortable, and each session only takes a matter of minutes before you're on your way home again! it's the blummin travelling that's the bind, every day!
the macmillan nurses are all great too, so if ever you want someone to talk to, or ask a question, anything, the'yre always there for you x
AnswerBank at its very best :)
My gran had chemo 14years ago and a mastectomy and has never been healthier! I wish you ALL the luck in the will be tires and weary but remember theres always light at the end of the tunnel! And an ear on here to chat xxxxx
indeed.... ♥♥
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All your helpful comments, advice and good wishes have really cheered me and I now feel much better about tomorrow (or rather today now)!
Just realised that it is 1st March, and a new month. White Rabbits, pinch and a punch the first of the month everyone! :)
I will check in tomorrow night and report on my first experience of being
what sounds to me like being microwaved!
Nite nite. God bless. dx
<3 xx
will be thinking of you deanna,
look forward to hearing from you tomorrow,
night night xx
Please do, deanna. You now have a fan club and we will be looking in to see how you progress. Ignore my friend anne! We rib each other gently, all the while :) Sweet dreams to you deanna x
Come back and say hi Deanna and let us know your progress xxx
thuddddddddddddddddddd ha ha x
Naughty, but nice, anne :)))))))))))))))
Hi, Deanna. I know you have checked out for the night but will leave you a message for when your back.
I have had radiotherapy sessions twice, although not for the same cancer as yourself, and had very little if any issues with side effects. I hope all goes well for you and you have the same good fortune as myself.
Hi Deanna, first of all, good luck for your first radiotherapy treatment, I'm sure you will be fine-tired maybe,but fine. I had breast cancer in 1996. After having a lumpectomy I then had 4 weeks of radiotherapy. It wasn't so bad,it did make skin red and a bit sore, but regular use of aqueous cream or E45 keeps it under control. Make sure you have plenty of rest as it does make you tired. Any offers of help, take it!! I had really good support from family and friends which helped enormously. I also had chemo, but had to stop after 5 treatments ( I couldn't cope with it as I had only just lost my dear husband three weeks before being diagnosed with Breast Cancer ).But I am still here 16 years down the line,so my advice is to go for it, you have my very best wishes,and hope you will keep us up-dated on your progress. xxx

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