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Your thoughts on acupuncture please ?

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tamaris | 01:19 Sun 26th Aug 2012 | Health & Fitness
79 Answers
I have been having accupuncture weekly for a couple of months now, and I do not see any difference in my health issues, I was told they thought they could help me. I feel ready to give up.


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I have been in pain for a long time now. I put a lot of faith in acupuncture, but it did nothing for me. However, after having been told by several doctors that kidney problems do not cause pain in your hips and legs, that was one of the first things the acupuncturist asked me, it restored my faith and I realized that I was not just 'imagining' it.
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Interesting Sir Alec, I believe it should work, but I have had a bladder problem since 2005, doctors can only say it is overactive, but there is no pattern to it at all. The acupuncturist has been treating me mainly for this but there is no difference at all. I have also been trying to lose weight after giving up smoking and after weeks of treatment for this also, there is no progress. Do I give up and put up with my problems, I do not know what to do ?
My Mum had a very small bladder and it was a family joke that she would always home in on the nearest toilet where ever we were. Not a joke for her, of course. She was never treated for this complaint. Can your GP recommend a specialist. Surely there must be such people?
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I have seen different doctors had several tests and they cant find anything wrong, I am only here because I am having a bad night and cant sleep with constantly going to the loo
I have been told not to drink tea or coffee after 4pm. In my case, due to insomnia. But also, such drinks can cause a lot of loo trips. Could you drink soft drinks, etc after 4?
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I gave up coffee and citrus after advice from a recognised helpline, and didnt drink after 6pm, all to no avail,so I resumed both, it is not like cystitas either where it is a dribble, it is normal amount.
Your comment on cystitis interests me. It was the start of all my kidney problems, (that and a doctor who wouldn't believe me, so I ended up with a damaged kidney). I take a small glass of cranberry juice, (mixed with lemonade, as I don't like the taste), every day. Apparently the cranberry puts a lining on your bladder and the germs can't stick, so they slide off when you pee. I've not had cystitis for 15 years now, and I used to get it 3 to 4 times a year, if not more.
I tried acupuncture for a couple of months to try to alleviate back pain caused by driving long distances in an unsuitably small company car.
Acupuncture had no effect whatsoever.
I`ve had fantastic results with acupuncture. Just need a good practitioner I guess. I only ever need one session.
I was very sceptical re acupuncture and didn't even want it because I hated the thought of having needles put into me. However I relented because the pain from the trapped nerves from my neck radiating into my arms was getting me down. I was amazed to find the acupuncture worked! I really didn't think it would so it wasn't mind over matter...I would recommend it after my experience but I guess not all ailments can be solved through it, just like conventional medicine I guess. (Mine was on the NHS too which I was surprised at when offered the "treatment").
I don't have any experience of acupuncture I'm afraid but have you seen a women's health physiotherapist? They are specially trained to deal with bladder issues etc and you can get seen on the NHS.
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Thanks interesting comments, Rosie, I have seen who the doctors and hospital told me too, this was all about 2 years ago. In the end they gave me tablets, which made me drowsy, then they changed them to a lower dose, I believe they work but I havent taken regularly as I dislike taking tablets
I had a few session at the hospital for severe long lasting back pain. No help whatsoever. I feel its not suitable for all problems tho of course their must be some good come from it.
I must admit I had high hopes for acupuncture for pain relief (long term pain problem) I had a couple of weeks total relief which was amazing after so many years of pain then nothing. I note that the couple of weeks relief I was seeing a different person who's technique was also different to the person who I saw with no relief. So I am unsure as to whether it was a fluke or whether it was due to experience? I have a friend having acupuncture for other reasons and they have seen no effect at all?!

Hypnotherapy has been very useful for me for other reasons, I have yet to try it for the pain problem I currently have.
I have tried acupuncture a few times with varying results. I think the treatment is only as good as the acupuncturist.
I think I agree with Craft. I had varying results with the two Acupuncturists I saw, also it sometimes felt like luck of the draw when they choose an area to insert the needle. Sometimes I would get a reaction and sometimes feel nothing. They would stick to the same area every time I went which was twice a week as recommended and I had a different reaction each time to needle insertion.
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So there is quite afew of us that didnt see any positive results.
I don`t want to state the obvious, but I presume you`ve been tested for diabetes?
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Not sure about what you should or shouldn`t feel. My first acupuncturist just put the needles in and we had a chat then she took them out. I had fantastic result with her.
The one I have now asks for me to tell her when I feel a sensation. Rarely do but say yes anyway..still get very good, but not fantastic results.

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