I have been geting my contact lenses from a small independant optician and I have to have Acuvue Oasys as I have what it is called "dry eye". As I dont wear my contacts as regular as I first thought I would, I want to change it so I only get them when I need them and not have to pay a monthly direct debit. I have found I can do this from Specsavers. However, they do not do the brand I am used to. They do their own brand called Easyvision. I believe their Easyvision Elite monthly disposables is the closest to what I currently use. Sorry for the long explanation!!........I was just wondering if anyone out there has/does use this brand of lenses, if so, what are they like and am I right in thinking these would be ok for me. I did try speaking to one of their advisors but she wasn't very helpful!
Thanks in advance......and thanks for still reading this essay!! lol
Try lensway - internet company, 1 box of oasys is �25-50, dunno what expiry date would be like, but its better than paying monthly direct debit, and they tend to be cheaper on internet.