Pain in neck and shoulder with tingling in fingers and upper left hand...I sit on a PC all day also have spondylosis c3-c6 which seems to be getting more sensitive. Better when lying flat in bed..but sometimes get dead arms whilst asleep.. Also broke my wrist twice on either side when younger. Could it be arthritis be setting in now? Osteo says I have bad posture. Not sure what to do ... keep popping painkillers..excercise? Age 47.
This is the thing though.. I am right-handed so main stress should be in right arm Mouse hand surely? I am thinking it may be related to the wrist fracture and then another complicated break and reset a few years later due to sport injury in my teens..
I would think it highly unlikely that the pain in your left shoulder, arm and fingers (you don't say which fingers) is anything to do with your broken wrists when you were younger.
RSI is a possibility but in my opinion ...unlikely.
Spondylosis of C3-C6 is the likely cause, either a prolapse of the disc or osteoarthritis in that area....or indeed ...both.
See you GP as you may well need an MRI scan to sort that lot out.
In the meantime.....keep "popping the tablets."