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How Would You Feel

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jennyjoan | 23:10 Tue 09th Jan 2018 | Body & Soul
109 Answers
A friend of mine died in America - they had 3 grownup children. Husband married again within one year of her death. A girl who had two children of her own.

Do you think it was too soon.


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Had you given the full facts in the question I suspect the answers you received would be entirely different!
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On this forum Islay - I certainly couldn't be bothered with black and white details to please the critters.

JJ I appreciate you may feel aggrieved with what Islay has said, but it's a little ungrateful to state "that you cant be bothered with the details in black and white to please the critters" because there are people on here who do genuinely try and help you and give you an honest opinion when you ask for one. So to say you cant be bothered with the details, is a bit of a disservice to those helpful peeps.
I think I'm the 'critter' BM.
Who knew?!!!!
Noooo I'm the critter!
"the critter sisters" boy im glad i spelt that right!
NO! I'm the critter, I insist on it!!!!!!!
Welll I was well brought up so how about we share it?
JJ, you made it sound as if this was fairly recent and not over 12 years ago.

so, who is Spartacus? :-D
Depends on where you dine and how you fold your napkins?
Although the time was not referenced at first, it became clear a few posts in that the death of JJ's friends a couple of weeks ago had prompted this chain of thought.
Damn that makes me a slattern critter then!
Come on girls, leave JJ in peace, . It's no big deal !!!
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Ooft .
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Just back from my Club and it is clear that the inmates have taken over the Mental Home.
Club membership gone downhill Sqad?
Sqad! That's no way to talk about Mrs Sqad and the "Wednesday Afternoon Ladies Social Guild".

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