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Circumcision Of Baby

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tamborine | 11:28 Fri 19th Jul 2019 | Body & Soul
73 Answers
Ive seen a youtube vid of the op & find it unnecessary & barbaric! Would you allow this for your babe?



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Eddie, hate to be a typical ABer.. but got a link?

I found this..

"YouGov recently conducted a poll which showed that 62% of Brits would support a ban on infant circumcision in the UK. ... NHS advice on male circumcision is that “the risks associated with circumcisions when carried out by qualified and experienced doctors are small."

I wonder what % of men and women they asked.
I'm Jewish and I wouldn't circumcise a child of mine (quite a few Jewish people feel this way that I know). Mr Cal is American (very popular there) and he wouldn't either, but if it';s medically necessary then obviously that's fine.
Piercing ears is a slightly different thing, it's not inflicting a permanent deformity on a child, it's just a little hole which will heal if they ever change their minds. I had my ears pierced when I was very little and I don't feel mutilated in any way, but each to their own.
No it's not illegal Eddie in the UK.
It's borderline.

A baby who was circumcised could reach the age of 18 and then sue the doc who circumcised him. It wouldn't be the first time... It actually happened in 2009. I'm unsure how the case went.
"if it';s medically necessary then obviously that's fine. "

No, if it's medically necessary, then it is necessary regardless. I couldn't imagine having forskin so tight it needs to be cut off. Excruciating pain i'm sure.
calico the things I dislike about piercing the ears of babies and children are that they have no choice in the matter, it does hurt, if only briefly and there is the risk of infection...all this and zero benefit to the child....also the holes don't necessarily heal. Mine were done around 40 years ago when I was in my twenties. I have had long periods when I didn't put earrings in over that period and the holes are still there.
^ Tambo, something you may be interested in.
Exactly Spath, I'd be rushing to get it done for the little guy under those circumstances, but otherwise no, why would you do that to your child?
:S :S This thread is starting to make me physically quite uncomfortable.. It has me squirming.

I have provided the info that i wish to have provided.

But Cal i totally agree! Totally agree.
I must admit my holes never really heal either woof but neither can you see them, so I'm far less concerned about ear piercing than circumcision tbh, although not sure I'd have a baby girl of mine pierced I'd rather let her choose when she expressed an interest (if she did).
Eddie, it isn't illegal in this country. Both Jewish and Muslim boys are routinely circumcised.
that's interesting Calico, mine are always visible, even to me and my sight ain't good.
Mine are tiny, I would really struggle to see them with the naked eye, but then thinking about it apart from folks with very obviously large piercings like stretchers I can't remember noticing anyone else's either so it might be my eyes :) x
If circumcision wasn't a religious ceremony it would probably be banned on the basis that it was cruel, except in circumstances where it was medically necessary. But as it is a well established religious ceremony in a well established religion or two, that won't happen.

That said, all sorts of abuses are perpetrated by parents on their children, some deliberately, some not so, some in the mistaken belief of "doing what's right", some just completely clueless. Parents are really thick sometimes, and getting their children circumcised is only one example of that. Pierced ears on babies is another example. I'm sure any of us could think back to their childhood and find something stupid their parents did that could have, or actually did, have a negative impact on the rest of their lives. Saying that circumcision is any better or worse than any of those things, and therefore does/does not warrant prosecution, would really kick the hornets' nest for a lot of people, not just parents who have their children circumcised.
As its traditional to some I wouldnt breed with a circumsized man.
Damn.....I’ll get my coat then.....
True Ellipsis but having your ears pierced doesn't ruin your sex life and lead you to suicide as an adult, where as in some instances circumcision has. A few kids have also died being circumcised and I've yet to see people keeling over in Claire's Accessories when they have a piercing ( although i'm sure at least one probably has in fairness).
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Chill chilldoubt, you can leave your hat on - am beyond breeding age ;)

When I was breeding, I was ignorant of circumcision & didnt know my OHs anatomy till too late. Our youngsters today are more informed & hopefully aware of this barbaric practise.
Would you genuinely not sleep with a man who was circumcised Tambo? That would rule out about 90% of North America :)
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Now that I know about it I would have to be convinced that any babe I produced was not circumcised. If he saw otherwise I would not breed with him!

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