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Circumcision Of Baby

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tamborine | 11:28 Fri 19th Jul 2019 | Body & Soul
73 Answers
Ive seen a youtube vid of the op & find it unnecessary & barbaric! Would you allow this for your babe?



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^^ its hypo to me since being widowed I havent found another ;)
Seems odd to judge a man's suitability as a partner based on the deeds of his parents.
Fair enough Tambo but I'd just want his own opinion on it to judge not those of his parents x
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Calico, pls look at the Youtube vid of a babe’s op. I cant link it as its restricted to 18+y only.
Yes I know what's involved Tambo, I just can't see that whether a man himself is circumcised or not is very relevant to whether your sons would be (unless he's fanatically religious of course). I'd just ask his opinion on it whether he himself was circumcised or not. x
I was circumcised at fourteen, for medical reasons, and as an adult I am happy that I was - I think a circumcised penis looks nicer.

In those days, a non-believer like me would only be circumcised for health reasons, there were no 'fashions' about such things back then.
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AH, I can accept medical reasons but doing it to healthy babies is unacceptible.
Never understood the appeal of wanting to chop off a part of a mans dick unless for medical reasons!
YES its barbaric and also backwards
(Not to mention that the baby gets no say so in to this)
I wouldn't allow it to mine, other than for medical reasons. I don't understand why you wouldn't prefer it in a partner though, Tambo. It is cleaner and cuts your risk of cervical cancer.
//I think a circumcised penis looks nicer//
Personally I prefer to look at vaginas but each to their own...
Dave was not done as a baby nor were his two sons, ironically for medical reasons he had to have it done about 10 years ago.
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When a young woman I was ignorant of circumcision & the problem never arose. Calico says most men in USA have it done. As adults or for medical reasons I understand but for healthy babies is a no no.

I put this thread up to enlighten mums.
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“Problem never arose”

No craiks please, lol

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