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What causes are there for loss of appetite?

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whiskeysheri | 12:39 Mon 08th May 2006 | Body & Soul
85 Answers

Any ideas?

Thanks, WS xxx



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Hi Clown Tickle! I'm so touched you remembered about my accident, but I've only got a bit of a bad back left from it now. How are you and your family doing now? Hope you're well. Lots of love xxx
whiskey..... your such a nice person,i am gonna nominate you for a nobel piece prize!!

I think you're lovely too whiskey!!

Hope you're feeling better soon.


Question Author

Aw, thanks rugeleyboy and hellie! I think you two are fab and I like to think we've got a bond between us. Love you loads xxx

more sexual energy i would say!!!


Question Author
I was trying to be nice, rugeleyboy, but now you mention it... ;o) x

its a matter of time whiskey..... just a matter of time!!

Question Author
Are you flirting with me and dancealot13 at the same time, Mr rugeley? ;o)
errrr no!!!
And u complain about me being the biggest flirt in AB
Question Author

No, no, I never complain, Zeus!

Are you both having a nice evening, boys? x

im'e not....... i have just been to my kyropr,cyroep cirop.... ah fcuk it, my back doctor....he has made my now good back worse!!!

all for �25 an all!!

have watched my film...although it was a diff one to the one I thought I taped...long story...tape ran out after about 5 mins doh!
Question Author

What film did you watch, Zeus? xxx

Your poor back, rugeley. I've always had a temperamental one myself, it's a lot worse since my car accident though. Lots of get better kisses xxx

I taped Assault on precint 13 on Sat nite...or I failed to tape it

i ended up watchin...Romeo must die....a jet lee film...martial arts action film

what happened with your car and you!!

do you need a back rub!!

i can do it'll cost you tho

�25.00 kerching!!

Question Author

I must say you've done ever so well staying away from AB, Zeus! ;o) (did you manage to stay off at work?)


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I had an accident on the motorway, where the M6 joins the M1 and wrote my car off. Hit the central resrvation at 70mph, then a lorry (the one that clipped me in the first place), then the reservation again! Would you really charge me? :o( x

ok i will do it for a cuddle,and a quick grope!!!

Ive been at clients today so had no access to the net

Ive managed to more or less stay off till aboutt 9-30 tonite...and Im gannin to bed in about half hour so am givin AB a quick circuit

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What causes are there for loss of appetite?

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