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What causes are there for loss of appetite?

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whiskeysheri | 12:39 Mon 08th May 2006 | Body & Soul
85 Answers

Any ideas?

Thanks, WS xxx



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You're doing very well, Zeus, honey xxx

...and rugeley, you must know I'm not that kind of girl by now ;o) ;o) x

Him and his invisible writing

what do you do zeus?

it sounds like you have got an important job?

whiskey..... i know your not that type of girl,but im'e that type of bloke???


Question Author

I think it's only fair you give us a clue as to what you do too, rugeley..


i cant tell you.... i wish i could!!

i might be able to tell you using my alias??

let me have a think??

what do you do whiskey??

Bean Counter
Question Author
I'm an administrator/receptionist/PA/general dogs-body. I hate it. I'm hoping to train as a midwife soon though- I can't wait. Not even a little clue? x

does that make you an accountant zeus??

whiskey.....your job sounds ace!!

i always wanted a proper job!! my job is really boring,but if i told you on here,someone might see it and instantly know its me!!

i will even hazard a guess whiskey, that you have driven past my place of work!! and maybe looked in??

Question Author
Ooh, what could it be? My mind's in overdrive now. Hmm, can you tell me what it might be near roughly? x
a road??
Question Author
Sarcy. Might I have been in? x

wouldnt of thought so? your Bf family may of,if they like to look at the kind of things i sell!!

which might i add,most home owners like the thing's i sell!! i sell them on the tinternet as well, so , maybe your family has enquired about the things i sell?

i am also an ebay seller so you never know do you???

A clothes shop?
Question Author
Most home owners like the things you sell? That could be anything!!! I'm presuming you'll not tell me even if I guess correctly? I'm touring Rugeley in my mind, but can't work out what it is... :o(

whiskey......if you guess correctly i will make you a cup of coffee next time your in town!!

it aint ever gonna happen mind you, i will gaurd my secret very well!

i wont really......its not that important to me whether you know or not?

Question Author
Is it a big place? x
have a look in your profile???????????
here's one then....... tell me the initials of my alias and i promise i will tell you!!
Question Author
Is it M.A? x

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What causes are there for loss of appetite?

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