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What causes are there for loss of appetite?

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whiskeysheri | 12:39 Mon 08th May 2006 | Body & Soul
85 Answers

Any ideas?

Thanks, WS xxx



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I told her on msn on sat night what your alias was
WS....I told u what it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...AS
typical woman ay zeus!!!
Question Author
Oh crap! You did as well. Do I get another chance, rugeley? x

errrrrrrrrr no, believe me,this is more fun than my job!!

i tell you what , i aint heard from girlygirl kate for a while....... is she ok???

Question Author

Yes, she's okay. Just trying to stay off internet for a while.

Another clue! Another clue! x

I thought she must have new name...coz she aint been on here...and theres been at least two greenie katies on here this weekend
Question Author
Not that she's told me about. She'll be back soon I'd imagine (and hope) xxx

i will give you link to my web site?

Question Author
Yes, please! x

i miss kate... she is ok aint she!!

any way, i must go to bed!!

ahh, another thing zeus........ whats this between you and it a joke or is it real??

Question Author
Not yet, you don't! Link please... I'll flutter my eyelashes x
i cant do it straight off.... i will have to do it over here starts... www.
Question Author
You've got to be one of the biggest teases ever ;o) x
me and Sashie are lovers in real life
Question Author
I think it's so sweet. You're both lovely, so lovely together! Can I be bridesmaid? x
maid of honour wud be our honour
Question Author
Aw! I'm gonna cry! xxx

god I missed all this last night!

Doesn't a maid of honour have to be married? ie me????

I would settle for chief bridesmaid though...

Question Author

Hi hellie!

rugeley, do I get another chance?

Zeus, help me get it out of him! xxx

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What causes are there for loss of appetite?

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