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delaying period

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fruitsalad | 19:41 Tue 26th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
what are the pills the doctor can give you for delaying your monthly period, as mine is due half way through my holiday.
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Only thing i've heard of is continuing to take your contraceptive pill (instead of the 7 day break).
I have heard the same, if you continue to take the contraceptive pill it will stop you from getting your period
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thanks for your answers i dont take the pill but i have heard of something you can take that does delay your period, it probably is something like the pill, will have to pay a visit to the docs.
you can go to the doctors and get norethisterone you have to pay for it,thats what i use when ever im going away and im due on.
tradey's right, cannot remember what I was prescribed but going back 17 years, I was given some tablets by my GP to delay my periods - so must be something probably even better now...they certainly stop you having a miserable time on holiday...
You can definitely get somehting, my brothers girlfriend did, I didn't realise you had to pay for them!
Yep, tradey's right., it's called Norethisterone. Your GP should be able to prescribe it for you. :o)

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