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delaying a period

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hotfemail | 00:45 Mon 08th Sep 2008 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
how much notice is needed to delay a period please ?

Mine is due in 20 days time - the day i go away !
What medication is needed to delay it please ?


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If you are taking the pill, just take one packet straight after this one with no gap
if not the doctor can give you a pill that delays it
You could get pregnant. That should stop it for about 9 months.
Hi, hotfemail!

You need to ask your GP for Norethisterone. You start to take them three days before your period is due and then every day (three times a day) until you are ready for your period.

Have a good holiday! :)
But if you are entering a Catholic country, make sure you are allowed to take them through Customs in the foreign land.

Some are very funny about contraceptive related medication, even blob pills.

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delaying a period

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