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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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Why haven't I got a new name!! humph!
Leonardo ready for action!!!!

Hey Nat honey how are you x x x x x x
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I WANT A NAME!!! pleeeasssseeeee.....
We still have one name remainging pinkfizz...

You are officially crowned.....Michelangelo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to the Crew - TURTLE POWER!!

Hey Leo - im good, shattered but good - u?
Im tired to (im always tired at work) why do they always put the best things on tv late at night!!! (i didn't go out =0{
lol - what were u watching Leo?

I was just up all night arguing with my boyfriend...but then we sort of made up at about 2.00am....nudge nudge wink wink!

think im gonna put a coffee on for myself..!
ha ha they are the best type of ''make ups'' !! Didn't your boyfriend start a story with..''I don't know anybody who doesn't facny her'' again??
p.s Welcome Michalangelo - Much love xx
lol nah he didn't - dont know whats happening with us...just seem to be falling apart - i said to him it feels like we're more "F*** Friends" than anything love or passion anymore...

We might be going on a break soon - whats would be your definition of a break?

how long?
rules? etc etc

(He usually comes to look on this site when we've had an argument for all the stories i tell about him - but i said it all to his face - so shouldnt get too many complaints tonight!)
Ive acused and been acused of the f*** Friends thing (and had a few actual F*** friends to ha ha ) and I think it is usually because you are too used to each other. Maybe dont see each other for a week, don't go on a break just keep out of each others way and don't call each other
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Michaelangelo it is!! or Michangelfizz!! So hows the gang??
Thanks leo the advisor - i think thats what we'll do - just not see each other for a week. To be honest the F*** Friends thing is a lot more easier and stress free!

Welcome Mich! The gang are good - although we're missing Donatello...who's currently moving from the Turtles sewers into a new house today and tomorrow - so we're a turtle down :o(

thanks for use of the clubhouse Michalangelofizz
nat you should definatly do the week thing, but you have to do it properly, no sneaks texts or anything...

lol about the FF thing..

*admarlow grins to himself and remembers ''the good old days''*
lol leo.

yes indeed the good ol' days!

So how long have u and Miss admarlow been together? Planning on getting hitched on ur travels ;o)
because the last place we are going to is Las Vegas everybody thinks we are getting married...we are NOT!!!! ha ha ha
we have been together nearly 2 years, (with a couple of hiccups)
How long have you been with Mr Nat?
-- answer removed --
lol - bloke at my work had his honey moon in las Vegas - i think.....

U can have an Elvis wedding?!?!

NO no n o non o - A TURTLES WEDDING!!!!!

Me and Mr Nat have been together for 13 months TODAY!!
oh just realised! how strange!
Oh it goes without saying im having a turtles wedding (if I ever get married). So are you and Mr Nat cool now or still not really talking. Miss Adnmarlow is a master at winding me up!!!
it goes without saying that id have a turtles wedding (if i ever get married!!

so are you and Mr Nat cool now, or still not really talking?. Miss Admarlow is a master of winding me up!!

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