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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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I find it difficult to let go.. sniff.

Aww dont do too much turtle work when Im not here I will feel all left out :O(
well spk you have a weekend with fitty to look forward to...
OMG that new ride was open when i went - that massivo one!!! That basically just goes up and straight back down - didnt go in it - because i wa too scared (ssshhh...dont tell Shredder)

I sometimes HAVE to vomit when im drinking - empties the stomach - ready for the next round!

We won't spk - we'll miss you dearly and do nothing but express our feelings of sadness to one another....:o(
Thats good ! I will be busy with fitty I sincerely hope hes like the duracell bunny. The poor man will be a shadow of his former self.

Cheers spk, I have a feeling it will be!!

Ralph - no 4.30 nod today since ur boss is in?
what time do u both finish again?

My fellas gonna certainly get some action this weekend - the painters have been in this week - so had to put sexual relations on hold. BUt service will resume as normal, hopefully by tomorrow.
no - 5.30 :o(
lol!! lucky Mr Nat!! ha ha

I finish at 5...
me too Nat ! Thats why it was no go with Fitty last now but now- hear me ROAR !

Im offski at 5 and Im very very excited. Im counting the nano seconds down. Enjoy your jollies raff x
lol u two turtles.

Both leaving me at 5.......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Do any of you sit in an office with other people?

Im on my jack jones....
there are a few people around, I think I would get bored on my own =0{
Everyone in my office is situated seperately but with no-doors-walls, if u like.... I have nothing in common with them anyway. Boring farts, all married and kids etc etc.

No one here to discuss men, nights out on the razzle, sex, drink, boys or alcohol with...!!
poor you! its quite fun in my office (i do get a bit carried away sometimes...)
thats coz of all the "pretty lllllaaaadddiiesss....!!"

does ur chick get jealous?
not really, although I have had a couple of coments when she has waited for me outside my work, and because there are more girls than boys at work all my stories start...''there is this girl at work...''
ooowww.....I had an argument with my boyfriend over a line that he started like that all though this particular girl, apparently..he "doesnt know anyone that hasnt fancied her.."

I wasn't a happy Turtle!!

Only 10 minutes to go for u two - lucky *******!
ooh I wouldn't start a story with that line.. but then again I wouldnt start a story with '' there are 2 (fit) girls on the internet who I chat to and we all think we are turtles' either!! ha ha ha ha ha ah aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
lmao!!! lol!

Although we're vitual turtles and not sat with u there in the office so she cant get jealous over that!

And we're Turtles afterall - so she would come across as a bit silly if she was b!tching about you to her friends and said "My b!oody boyfriend is really getting on my t!ts - keeps talking about these fit turtles that he chats to online!"

Anyway - speak to you tomorrow Leo and good luck moving in Don! xxx

good luck with everything nudge nudge wink wink don.

Speak soon Ralphio.

Morning admarlow.....and spk :o(

Raph signing in!


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