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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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thanks don.

I really fancy a KFC now.... can't eat anything on Wednesays without the woman in my office commenting on all the "artificial colourings, the starch, the sugar, the fat" in every piece of food!!!

maybe i should just eat my apple...although she'll probably ask if i've washed it!
mmm KFC was great!!!! ok guys what was the BEST job you ever had??
My best job was my last job in the uk actually. I got paid far too much money for doing absolutely hee haw. Just in another bank. This job I kinda need to work unfortunately. Was it the zinger bad boy leo? I had carrots apples and a brownie a turtle needs his turtle juice in the form of sugary snacks
i got a Spaghetti carbonara in the end...yummy and a raspberry mousse for dessert :o)

Best job i ever had......volunteer work in ghana!!! Although i didnt get doesnt count.... :O(

urs Leo?
Nice lunch Raf !

Leo? Where are you gone? Your turtles need you
u had a small healthy lunch!! Just carrots, apples and a brownie?!?!
nice lunch ralphio, boo don!!

The best job I had combined two of my greatest passions, women and drinking. I was A PR for a bar in Magaluf (im not a pikey - honest!!) and i just stood on the street talking (annoying) people and drinking free drinks it was great but pay was rubbish!!
ooohhh great job ad! I was tempted to stay on in Kavos and do that!!
best thing ive ever done (so far!!!) it was like being famous, getting free drinks in every bar and everybody knowing you (as id probabily annoyed them earlier!!) came back absolutly white as I partytied all night and slept all day
It was small but I had a scone and 2 packets of crisps for breakfast so trying to balance it out !

I bet you were a right hit with the ladies eh leo? A bit saucy, little bit racy eh? Oh aye I can just imagine your chat !

Im going to miss my 2 turtle warriors Im off tomorrow on Friday

It was small but I had a scone and 2 packets of crisps for breakfast so trying to balance it out !

I bet you were a right hit with the ladies eh leo? A bit saucy, little bit racy eh? Oh aye I can just imagine your chat !

Im going to miss my 2 turtle warriors Im off tomorrow and Friday

ha ha spk you tried to do the thing when you notice you have made a mistake too late and tried to change it!! Right nat - how about you become a dancer at school disco?
What are we gonna do without u Don!?!?!?

I loved my girly holidays!! Went to Kavos in 2002, Malia 2003 and Ayia Napa 2004. Planing on going to Cancun next year (dont know what my fella will ahve to say about that!)....!
because going by last weeks standards i'd be too pi$$ed to stand let alone dance!!
Cancun is meant to be amazing Nat always wanted to go there ! I just got back from a year long girly holiday so not too many more scheduled soon. Im going to be too busy making sweet music with fitty
Nat does a wicked runnin man to "salt and peppers Push it" Hows the leg now Raf?

Yup admarlow to late to make amendments doh !

I know and im off Monday!!
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How about a job at the circus getting blown out of a canon in your turtle suit? Leo and I can stand and pose
ooooowwww - so ur finishing for good on Monday leo?!?!?

please say no, please say no, please say no!

Im surprised my knee didnt give way at Skool Disco to be honest - going there again on 28th!! Wooo hooo!!

Knee's not bad thanks Don - clicking and locking a bit but just a waiting game with the docs - appointment the day before my birthday :o(

when are ur birthdays?

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