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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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dont get many circus' round here:o(
Its Leos birthday monday Raf - he be back dont worry ! :O)

Eh Leo Im right amnt I? My bday is 26th Nov, Nat yours is 17th? I have tremendous listening skills.
mines on MONDAY!!! thats why im not in...Thorpe Park!!
She musta forgot Leo. Dont hold it against her
... its ok ill let her off...............this year ha ha ha
*smacks her forehead repeatedly*

Im so silly, im so silly, im so silly!!!

I think Raphael really was the dumbest turtle...

(gotta big document to type..... :o(...poo)
no the dumest was michalangelo (sp!)
Our Raffy is very bright :O)
awww.... you guys!!!
Im doing all my ''work'' today in dark green in Honour of you guys
awwww thats so sweet. im gonna type up all my bosses documents in DARK GREEN and in BOLD and write TURTLE POWER as the subject heading!
I love my turtle chums !!!
I know, we are all Heros in a Half Shell....
I know - we are the best!!!

I must show this picture of me when i was younger - in a school photo with my turtles t-shirt on.

I'll try and find it tonight!

Im sure its Raphael on the front too!!

(im not joikng about this either)
that would be the best pic ever (well maybe not better that the other pics ha ha ha )
class Nat ! I might take one of me in my batman costume when it finally arrives

Don - u really need to get over this Batman thing - its a thing of the past - you're one of us now.....!!!
yea Don thats So October 10th!
so u looking forward to a manic weekend of none stop boozing and vomitting Leo?
I can't wait (although im never sick when i drink woohoo!!) Im even thinking about starting tonight......Im looking forward to monday the most !!

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