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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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woooo hooooo TURTLE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don, Leo - what would u say an acceptable amount of time was in a job, for it to be seen as a stable job on ur CV?
Ohh good Im not that bad then ! What flavour pizza?
nat - I think 6 months , looking for a job change??
6 months too for me. why you thinking of leaving us already?
extra cheese and pepperoni for me. Although had a really nice chicken and peppers one in 'Ask' recently.

Im considering it leo - bored at my brain, seriously might be brain dead if i give it another few months...

Been here since 4th april so about 7 months...
*wispers to Donatello*

I think Ralphy is bored of us.....
lol NOOOOOOOO. I love you two and our secret little chats - you're what get me through my days!!!!!

what job would you want to do nat??
ah 7 months is long enough without looking like a fly by night. Only problem is you might actually have to work for your wages somewhere else
aww Nat we love you too really really !! :O) Stop stirring it Leo !
Awwww good - u better love me!!

we wouldnt have Turtle Power without Turtle Love!!!

I want to get a job within an industry that interests me (e.g. maybe in a Zoo working with the Turtles) ...and with a bit of social life to go with the job (e.g. drinks after work with fitties).

But ur right Don - it might mean i do have to work!!!!

Well I think its our 1st Turtle challange - get nat a new job...(u can have mine when im gone, I can't comment on the men, but the girls are ALL pretty!)
Lol ah if you are unhappy you should look elsewhere raff, Where there is a will there is a way, potential for skiving in every job !

Ok todays lunches *spk takes out her notepad and pencil* what we all having? Ive had a packet of wheat crunchies but thats not going to take me up to 5 now is it. Suggestions please !
Ok Nat- Im thinking of a list of jobs.

The zoo could be good but I think turtles sh*te a fair amount
ooh I REALLY fancy a KFC zinger tower burger meal , how dirty am I!
Lunch - i think im just gonna go to Tescos coz it's pi$$ing it down and Tescos is closest i reckon.... might get soup....leek and potato....with a boring though!!!

As for the the zoo job i should be used to $hit....put up with enough of it from the men in my life!!

What u lunching on?
yummy! Zinger Burgers are the best..... dont a fan of the Tower one though - just simply a Zinger Burger!
Ah kfc is too far away. I think I will go down the boots route too. Ive been thinking about the salt and vinegar thingys and brownies since yesterday !!
lol don - i was absolutely bloody stuffed after that brownie - so sickly but yet still so heavenly....
I like your men comment raffy ! :O)

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