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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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Nat have you had the 4.30 nod??
Cheery nat ! Will think about it ! Have a good night xxx
Over and out Ralph

Much Love Leonardo xx
(wish I got a 4.30 nod!!)
me too :O(

Ahh its ok shes back tomorrow.
*looks over his sholder*

Now we can talk about Nat behind her back...Just kidding xx
Lol !

spk sings *just the two of us.. we can make it if we try e yiiiiy just the two of us.. you and I*
ha ha Nat is going to be so jealous at all the fun we are having without her!! ha ha ah
yup !

19 minutes... 19 minutes.. tick flamin tock
la la la la la lah

*drums fingers on the desk*
I miss Raphaelo :O(
ha ha well while she is off gallovanting (sp?) somebody has to hold the fort.


Tell me more about ''fitty'' age, job, hight, blood type....
hes 32, tall, dark hair, gorgeous eyes, nice arms, hot bod, and mega mega dreamy. Banker like me, Foxy foxy Hes well hot totty Im feelin the love

Whats Mrs Admarlow like?
Short (ish) big green eyes, very dark brown hair and 25. Totally different for me because all ex's are tall blonde....
ooh and a Paddy like you spk xx
Sounds lovely yeh fittys different from my normal "type" too but its good. Blonde is over rated and hard work anyway ! 7 minutes admarlow its incredibly exciting. I will bolt out that door leaving a cloud of dust behind me
ha ha me to a proper superhero exit, (to match my costume im wearing ha ah )
Ahh well if shes a paddy then that says it all !
we almost made it Admarlow yeehaw ! See you 2mow mate Big mucho superhero love xx
lol SPK im about to make my move, have a nice evening...till tomorrow amigo xxx

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