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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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thats it. Batman needs sacked. Gutted.
maybe it only works spk when you don't force it?
yeh maybe you are right. I will just let the natural special juices flow in future admarlow. One cannot question ones genius tendencies eh? Perfect explanation !
thats it spk, let the answer come to you, dont go looking for the answer!! ha ha

pssttttt. Its 15.21 we all get to go home soon hurrah !
ill be here till 5 ;(
wooo peeee - wonder if my colleague will let me go early again.... maybe im pushing my luck - i think he can just tell i have absolutely no work to do.

spk (without forcing it) do u think i'll be given permission to leave?
me too but it could be 9am again now that would be hardcore tragic. We seem to be a man down, Nat? Where you gone?
I can try nat but no promises. If you see batman scaling down the side of your building just run for it ok?
yea nat, I hope you haven't been off...working!!
im here im here - concentrating on my chocolate brownie!! and contemplating whether to have a coffee with it...but we dont have any milk...and i cant be bothered to get any.
Anyone doin anythin nice tonight?
no just chilling tonight..... ready for a big Birthday weekend..woohoo!!
ooh yeh what you up to?How old you going to be?
Nope nothing tonight...same old, same old..u spk?
well Im going to be 24... On Friday night my Mate is in a band and I Im going to see him play, sat TBC sunday meeting all my mates in a bar for a warm up for monday which is actually my and im...wait for it....going to Thorpe Park ha ha ha ha ah
just got some more packing to do nothing too exciting. Fittys been emailing me hes looking forward to seeing me sunday apparently. Might test ride my new superking size bed with him. Admarlow- how many dates is feasible without lookin like a ho to letting the man in the cookie jar?
lol admarlow - sounds like a top weekend.

Thorpe Park is great - i might be going there for FRIGHT NIGHT on Saturday 21st - not sure if i am now though...

Went there this year with my boyfriend and his mum (aww bless us), very tiring day!
awh nice one happy birthday for it hope you have a brilliant weekend ! Make sure your get nicely sh$tfaced !
lmao spk!

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