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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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well to be fair me and Miss Admarlow were naughty on the 1st date so maybe Im not the best person to ask. If he likes you he will not think bad of you whatever so don't worry.
Nat- I went to the fright night 2 b.days ago (see the pattern!!) and it was great, they change the rides and make a few special fright night ones!
see Im usually a first night girl myself Im terrible but I really like this guy. I will maybe just violate him on sunday then Im taking that as a green light to go for it YAAAAY !
yea go for it spk!!! (lucky boy!!)

BTW.... ts.asp?css=2 uestion295493.html

admarlow this is nat and pink and I's original fitty chat on it to keep you in the loop
lol - i'd like to advise u spk- but u sound very much like me..
me and Mr Nat gave it till the 2nd date - which was pretty good for me....

we got extremely frustrated on the 1st date too....

tut tut tut
ha ha likeminded girls...anyway lifes too short to wait!
Ohh Im so excited Im going to get my jollies on sunday now !
Thorpe park looks brilliant ! Booh to living in Scotland :(
I think you have plenty to keep you entertained spk!!
Ohh yes. My bonafide cheesy is on the rise just thinking about it
Thorpe Park is the one my parents used to ALWAYS take me when i was little - bless. I love it there.

Congrats spk - how long has it been dear?

Dont forget to dust away the cobwebs!!!
Its been since June so its long overdue Nat !
4/5 months have definatly earned it!!!!!
last time was a one night stand in Kho Phangnan at the full moon party funnily enough ! Safe of course, but yes BRING IT ON !
lol spk - i wouldnt have lasted three dates!!!!!!!!!!

spk/Batman - WE SALUTE YOU!
LMAO CHEERS!! Need the brazilian booked then now thats decided :O)
dam! I wont be on here on monday!! Ill have to check AB somehow!!!!
lmao cheers Admarlow ! :O)
lmao. U should hook up webcam for us spk - im sure it would make my boyfriends Sunday evening more entertaining, whilst making fitty an international superstar!

think about it....

Anyways - you guessed it!! Im leaving eary!!!!! wooo hooo - althought gonna be stuck here till 5.30 for the rest of the week coz my boss will be back :o(

Speak to you all tomorrow!

Peace, Love and Unity

Raphael signing out! xxxx

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