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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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Oh guys - u had so much fun without me. :o(

Gonna have to work today (or pretend to work) - bosses are in... *tsk* rubbish....

Morning by the way!
morning nat, poor you about the work!!!
Mornin my little turtle doves

Aww no Nat you have to actually WORK today? Tsk.


*pow* *kerplung* *boof*
spk.... we need to have a word....

I think you should be a turtle too....

Donatello or Michelangelo....?
I think that would be..radical! (get back to work nat !!)
i dont want to be a turtle


:o( why not? Is it coz i iz green?

i dont like working ad :o(
spk, it fed up with your turtalist views you constantly express on this site, turtles are people to!

p.s you could always be splinter?
I always wanted to get a batman costume but I wasnt allowed cos Im meant to be a bluidy girl. So I want to be batman :O(

I suppose I would get used to being a turtle, all green and hard on the outside but soft and gooey inside a bit like a chocolate lime. Ok I will be a turtle then !

ps ( Im very tired, not much sleep last night, lumpy couch etc)
Yay! What turtle?!?!

oooohhh nooooo - Splinter's not very nice, and we like spk so she has to join us!

No more couch tomorrow spk!!

I keep having bad dreams....:o(
Tusk tusk, splinter is our leader, SHREADER is our enemy..

ad - please forgive for i have sinned!!!
You decide ! Did one of them not have a handbag, dury was out on his s*xuaklity or am I confusing them with the tele tubbies?

What your dreams about Nat :O( I took a sleeping tablet last night but instead of making me sleep I was trippin and my friends curtains were having an unauthorised rave
Im more of a follower than leader really I dont think Im ready for the role of splinter Leonardo x
lmao spk - if i evertake a sleeping tablet im worried that it would knock me out all day!

I THINK Raphael was the slightly camp one....:o(

I had a dream Shredder came and kidnapped us all :o(
got any of those sleeping pills left spk??
I want donatella then just in case. Nobody will kidnap us- TURTLE POWER NAT !

Admarlow yeh but Im a bit twitchy today, does ab have a blue tinge off it or is it just me?!
doesn't it always have a blue tinge?!?! lol,

mmm i fancy PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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