Nannon, may I ask you, and I am not be sensationalist, if your friends kidnapped a little girl and all bu66ered her senseless, would you disapprove??
I hope that you would and even dob them in to the police if you had knowledge.
Well drugs kill and harm a hell of a lot more kids in a year than predatory kiddy fiddlers do in 100 years.
It is not a question of what is more socially shocking, it is a question or moral stance and legality. The law is way above all of our heads (unless of course any of us are Law Lords in a high commission!!)
Therefore, as I always say on drugs issues, is look at the wider picture. Even the "casual user" of soft drugs like cannabis, are fuelling the overall drugs issue. They may just be a very small cog, but if you engineer all the cogs together, you have a very large and powerful machine.
Therefor the casual user of drugs is like the sicko who just looks at the photo of a six year old girl tied up and humped by some Welsh pervo. The pervo is just a cog. He is isn't doing any harm is he? He is just viewing the image, not taking part.
Wrong!!!!! He is just as bad.