what do you mean whats my point? my point is since everyone bar like one person disagreed with you you then changed to saying that the reason it was bad is because it is illegal. You asked if "the drug users of this site work, drie, have children" the rest of the question implied that if they did they should be ashamed. When people started saying yes but they felt this was ok as just because the weed may show traces in your blood after it doesnt mean you were still high and were perfectly capable of driving/working etc...it was pointed out that not all people who take drugs are 'bad' and you brought up the point that drugs are ilegal and have carried on with that ever since.
Then it was brought up that - is drinking then better or worse that weed? as the effects take longer to wear off, more damaging to your health and potentially more damaging to yourself and people around you yet this is legal. Rather than debating ideas thrown up and discussing them like a normal person you have continued with your little rant, i'm not sure anyone know's what point YOU are trying to make anymore. No one is expecting youto change your mind but just be a little less narrow mined than you appear to be.
My point, as you asked, is that you are very narrow minded (as i just mentioned) do not apper to very well educated onthe subject you want to discuss (neither am i but then i wouldnt start this thread because of that reason) You dismiss everything people are saying to you - because you cannot seem to comprehand that you abeing challenged.