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I've decided to stop smoking

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MickyMacgraw | 19:52 Fri 12th Nov 2010 | Body & Soul
75 Answers
Enough is enough and I'm sick of being controlled and a slave to nicotine and purposefully administering this slow acting carcinogenic poison to myself. Originally I thought I'd start in the new year but why wait until then and further harm myself? Anyway I've bought some niquitin-minis lozenges 1.5mg and will be starting tomorrow morning after having my last smoke tonight. I will be logging cravings on a 1-10 scale, stress of the day on a 1-10 scale, depression and other things such as whether my appetite goes up etc..
I think the most dangerous times will be in the mornings, after meals and before bed.
I've stopped drinking for the moment so the after drink cigarette will not be a problem for now.
Hopefully I will be able to stick this out and maybe even be an inspiration for others to quit.


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Good for you - I was a heavy smoker- gave up cold turkey about 15/16 years ago - all a matter of will power and believing in yourself enough to do it. Right idea I think , not wanting to be controlled by the blighters. I promise you that you great you are going to feel sooooo great soon. good luck
Well done Micky! I gave up about 4 years ago although I did have one or two last year after being verbally attacked by some woman on a bus. Luckily I didn't become addicted again after that.
The thing that stopped me smoking in 1992 was fright.I began to find that I had difficulty in walking, went to docs was refered to hospital,tests showed that the main artery in my right leg was partially blocked & had to be cleared manually. I was told that the blockage was caused by smoking & warned that if I continued there was a strong possibility that I would have to have the leg amputated,believe me I have not smoked since that day.
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Thank you all so much for the support, here's how it went. On fri 12th I had my last cigarette at 11 at night. Sat 13th I had my first mint at 6.00 am, felt good calm and focused and I held out till 10.30 by which time I had a weird sensation in my mouth probably from lack of cig smoke, so i had a mint, this helped but at the end of the mint I felt a little nauseous which is stated as one of the side affects. Next mint was had at 5:15 after purposefully trying to be strong and fight the cravings. 7:00/10:00 had a mint. At 11 I had a really strong craving but refused to bow down to it besides having nicotine at this time would interfere with my sleep so it will have to wait until morning.
Sun 14th-had mint at 7.00am and feel relaxed, I also noticed that my lungs feel as they have expanded and I seem to be getting a deeper breath which means more oxygen which is good. 10.30 another mint. 12.30-Im getting the feeling that as the cigarette nicotine drains out of my body my body's urge to get nicotine from the mit has become more pronounced at this time. 1.30 had a mint. 4.30 noticed the urges are definitely getting more frequent even though I have no outside source of stress.
6.55 had a mint. 2 more mints between this time and 11.
Mon 15th mint at 10.30 feel hungrier than usual, I can see why ex smokers put on weight. I've also noticed that its quite easy to confuse hunger cravings with nicotine cravings as maybe your body and mind are in a state of withdrawal and confusion? 11.00 its now been 5 hours since my last nicotine hit. 2.45 pushed myself but now have to give in and have a mint. 7.00/10.00pm had a mint.
So there you have it, It's now the 5th day I haven't had a mint yet but will soon. I also have to add that on the pack of nicotine mints they recommend that you could have up to 15 a day, as you can see from my log I refused to give in to every urge hence the relatively low number of mints I was having. I feel today my nicotine cra
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Sorry about that everyone the other half of my post hasn't shown for some reason.
well done MM. keep up the good work. ie for your healths sake/
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Thanks so much annesquith, Ill try my best!
Only just found this thread!
May I congratulate on your progress so far, and obviously keep going.
Good for you, I wish you well.

If you are eating normal mints you might get a windy problem - or that just me?
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Thanks slackalice and dtcrosswordfan, it's going to be a hard old road but I intend to beat it, no pain no gain!
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Thanks wolf63 The mints I use are niquitin minis and no there hasn't been any problems except a bit of nausea from the mints.
hi MM. what day are you on now ?
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Hi there annesquith yesterday was my 5th whole day of me not smoking with me having my last smoke on friday night so todays the 6th, must admit i feel slightly restless.
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get a jar or a box, put the cash into it that you would normally have spent on cigs and watch it grow. keep going.
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Thank you very much pixi, I was going to look into champix had mints not worked, I know i'll have the urge when I have a drink but the last time i gave up I happily chased my drinks with a mint and was fine with that.
you are doing really well xxx
well donexx
i found having glasses of orange juice helped , the added vit c boasts your energy levels
go for a walk fill your lungs with fresh air........... feel proud and fabulous xx
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Great idea annesquith!
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