Mrs flop was vomiting yesterday and I had to deal with the aftermath and was gagging and retching throughout the whole process.........however, when I've cleared up my children's vomit in the past I've never had the same reaction. Worse, I can remember one occassion when my youngest had awful diarrhea and in mid-nappy change sprayed it all over me, face included, and I didn't gag or retch.
I'm pretty squeemish as a rule when it comes to crap and sick - I struggle to pick up my dog's dog shi!t without gagging - but have never had a bad reaction with my children.
I don't have the answer but your Q has reminded me of the time Mr O had to go see to his parents elderly dog when they were on holiday.
He was down at their house and as I was passing I called in.
I caught him on his hands and knees clearing up dog poo in the hall.
He was wearing a diving mask and scuba set!