Have noticed what looks like a boil (size of a 5p) on the front part of pubic area..i have not squeezed it as it just burst in the shower, lots and lots of pus has come out of it and now it wont stop bleeding, there is a massive deep hole in the middle of it, but is has been constantly bleeding now for a good few hours....my concern is will it heal ok and will it leave a horrible scar ? Unsure if its a hair follicle but never had anything like this before...is it worth seeing my GP ? Not sure what the difference is between a boil or absess...
nooooooooooo don't squeeze it, that's the worst thing you can do. I had one in the same area years ago and the doctor told me a) DON'T squeeze it and b) to just bathe away whatever comes out with cotton wool soaked in boiled water (it does smell rather rancid)
I am truly sorry folks, it is hideous, truly hideous...but I have never had anything like this ever....its soooo....well, so yukky ! I dont think it smells - Im no contortionist and cant bend down that far to check ! ! Now look at the comments Im going to get.....the shame of it...
Dont put ideas into my head Craft....but that could work ! I could keep loose change in the hole though, if it doesnt heal that is.....or keys or my mobile phone !