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Gay marriage

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tinkerbell23 | 11:39 Sun 29th Jan 2012 | Relationships & Dating
68 Answers
Just caught the end of a question programme the subject was gay marriage ...

Obviously those who support it and those who dont...

Personally i cannot for the life of me understand why not!?

Some people were saying civil partnership isnt enough and they should have full
Blown marriage really dosent offend me at all? Why not!?? Whats your opinion xxx


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I'm for gay relationships, married or otherwise. They do after all help to keep the world's population in check.
humbersloop, not by me - that's for sure.
Humbersloop- I'm fairly sure I'm already damned for a lot worse than that;-)
Didn't think so. Me neither.
Nox, relieved to hear that - anything you'd like to share? :)

Apols for poor speeling, phone keypad..
The dictionary also defines a marriage as a 'close union'...but I guess some people can't get past the 'man and woman' part.
Oh...and the same people who'll say gays can't form lasting relationships,will be the ones who deny them the right to make those relationships legal......

where's the brick wall?
Courtesy of Mamyalnne from yesterday

I think if folk want to do it and churches want to offer it then its none of my business. I am not a member of any church or organised religion so its doubly none of my business.
I do think that civil partnership should be offered to other groups in society though such as parent sibling so that they can have the same tax advantages as any other civil partnership.
woofgang - I agree about the civil partnerships for other parts of society. I knew a gay guy years ago who was dying and had to marry his female friend on his deathbed so that she could pass his pension on to his boyfriend. As a single person, even though he had paid into it for years, his pension would have died with him. Civil partnerships allow for situations like that not to happen these days and I`m all for that. However, there was a case some years ago of two elderly sisters who had lived together for donkey`s years and wanted to be a recognised partnership for pension pursposes. They were told they had no chance. If two people of the same sex can have a legally recognised partnership (at least for pension purposes) then I think others should too.
^^ I agree completely.

Since marriage is a civil contract, why some automatically link it to religion I have no idea. That said, in situations where, for example, two brothers or two sisters live together, a similar contract ought to be available to them to ensure that upon the death of one, the other's interests are properly protected in law.
Naomi, Marriage is considered part of some peoples religion, the same as christenings and burials, so if people are against "gay marriage" that is their belief and this should also be respected.
They are completely free to believe it wrong..........hopefully the proposed legislative changes will firmly place *them* in the wrong.
JTH, while they have religion they will never consider themselves to be in the wrong - ask a practicing Muslim, Catholic or Christian.
Let them have their religion and much good may it do them.

I think most of the rest of us will be content to make do with equality for all under the Law.
I was always one of the '' man / woman'' marriages only, but when I see just how much weddings cost & how much somebody is making out of it I am rather surprised that Any one does it these days.

jth as i understand it, the legislation will clear the way for churches who wish to offer same gender marriage to do so. It won't force churches who do not believe in it to offer it.
Wherever the ceremony is held, both parties will be able to refer to themselves as *married*......which is not the case at the moment.
Christian clergy are bound by their theology & that does not include same-sex marriage. Like any sect/club you join, you need to abide by rules; even on AB.

They can form a legal 'partnership contract' at solicitors, then have a celebration at welcoming venue; book me for £8k :)
'Naomi, Marriage is considered part of some peoples religion, the same as christenings and burials, so if people are against "gay marriage" that is their belief and this should also be respected. '

I'm actually going to disagree with you strongly Brenden. Whilst it's fine, and indeed right, to respect an individual's right to their own opinion, it's not fine for any religion to claim ownership of the status of ' married' since marriages were conducted for many centuries befrore any of those religions were dreamed up.
It would be fine to say for example
'Well the Catholic church doesn't believe in same sex marriage, and that is my opinion.'
It is not fine to say
'I am a christian and the bible says it's a sin to marry someone of the same sex, therefore I am going to try to stop YOU from getting married.'
Do you see the problem?

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