thank you, oliverbotel, I didn't realise that you were my sheepdog around here.....
The trouble with religion trying to impose its views onto human sexuality, a sexuality that has an enormous range of gradated colour between the all male and all female stereotypes. Just read Brain Sex or Men are from Mars and Women fromVenus to have a better appreciation and realise how out of touch the religious folk are.
The problem is that when they wrote their tomes, they had no understanding of psychology or genetics.
Live and let live, and each unto our own, when it comes to this. Why should I criticise you for your sexual preferences and what "turns you on" - just as I do not expect to be criticise or worse villified by so-called "do-gooders" or moralists.
There are, however, some limitations to that and these involve traversing the boundaries of societal norms such as paedophilia etc.